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By from net, Posted in Politics / National

$820 MORE MILLION OUT THE WINDOW AND SQUANDERED FOR NOTHING? It's clear UKR has lost the war. WEEKS AGO. What is all this money for? Why is it being wasted, when American farmers desperately need loans? AND ---Where is this endless stream of money coming from? --Oh that's right.. THE PUBLIC, which is at the same time being savagely choked by unnecessary inflation.




Dear reader.... Imagine this please: The USA formally declared war on a particular nation. Budgeted money for the war, and for weapons systems to fight the war.

Got that picture? Okay, next... imagine that the Pentagon decided our army was more needed on another war front, and they paid money to a foreign country to bring over and use soldiers from its military, to fight this new war. Got it?

Keep in mind WE are weaponizing and paying for this war we declared. Only thing is we are substituting other soldiers for the front lines.


Now --the brain test question. WHOSE WAR IS IT? Ours, or foreign mercenaries at the new war front?

Even with foreign soldiers manning the guns, is it not still PUR war that's been rolled out? Are we not behind it and running it? Paying for it? So it's our war right? Even if we bring on some hired hands to be in the trenches. WE declared the war, we are provisioning the war, and paying the bills. So it's our war, right? The mercenaries are just hired hands to help the effort. Right?

Okay then, with this logic in mind, can you now see that UKR is a proxy war and its really the USA and NATO against Russia? With the UKR soldiers duped to be caught in the middle. Because listen, THEY are not providing the weapons, nor footing the bills. So what is the war then? Whose war is it really then? BINGO-- It's an undeclared illegal war by the USA upon Russia,

And yet Congress has NOT voted to start a war with anybody. So this massive outflow of munitions and money is illegal. And unethical. A betrayal of the USA people. A governmental coup by the NATO/NWO war machine.


Well now. You ought to be mad about this and ought to be communicating with your US Senators and House Reps... STOP THE DAMN WAR. STOP THE SPENDING and make peace.

Would that not be more sane?

Undeclared, unwise, unapproved by congressional mandate.. wicked crazy wars overseas has been a major bane and sin of America's modern history. And make no mistake, though veiled as a Ukraine war, that's just the deceptive glove. THIS WAR AT HAND is just another putrid one of the crazy misguided neocon-neolib absurd immoral and toxic, bank-breaking, stupid, imperialistic... wars overseas.

STOP THE WAR, will you American public! Stop the government from stoking coals on the fire. Force them to back a peace agreement. Pressure congress and the senate to shut this war down. They are supposed to represent you.

You have an unhinged illegal WH and a reckless crazy manipulated Congress. Bring both of them around with public pressure now.... STOP THE WAR.


Step up, speak up and force and end to the war. That's what the public did to end the Vietnam War. Are you less in character and backbone than the American public back then? Are you mice? Or smart citizens? ...STOP THIS CRAZY WAR...... now.