Comment: Despite the occasional whimper, seems most of DC is failing to gird themselves for any serious fight or pushback to the DJT regime's effusion of "flooding the zone" as the saying goes. And that's both - polticos and media.
By comments and news from net, Posted in Politics / National
[Editor's note: -- This page has been updated several times since first posted. Latest update was 2/21 at 6am. Latest new material is at upper third of the page, and also at lower section of the page.]
FOLKS: During recent weeks, did you consider it even remotely possible that MAYBE, just MAYYYBE, this new, re-imaged version of Donald Trump-- as being reconstituted, born again, morally sublime, heroically the best best BEST thing in politics since sliced bread --could POSSIBLY, maybe kinda POSSIBLY-- be: too simplistic, too cartoonish, too glorified, too sanguine.. To be true? That he may NOT exactly be-- a flawless and eminently trustworthy storybook hero? ....
Because, hey, guess what:
Guess what? You and all Americans have just been evilly hoodwinked by a new scam in the world of politics. THE THINK TANK SHELL GAME. What does this mean? It means Donald Trump is not REALLY the chief executive. He's a figurehead for a hidden machine, an elaborate (not elected nor appointed) hidden POLITICAL MACHINE is running the entire executive branch. -- -- A machine not comprised of government employees, a machine comprised of unelected and unappointed "consultants" who work at THINK TANKS. And who is it that ..shapes --THEIR-- agenda? THE...DONOR CLASS of the mega filthy-rich elites. ( play these 2 clips - -- ) ..Since THESE are the people who fund and control the think tanks. -- -- So meet the new boss, same as the old boss. He's just wearing a new costume to throw you off, to deceive you, new stripes.. And is baffling you with rhetoric and dazzling you with a rapid fire barrage of pre-planned measures. -- -- Hundreds and hundreds of preplanned measures (that's how they can be effused at lightening speed on many political fronts simultaneously)... They were planned months and months ago. AT THINK TANKS. Let's repeat for emphasis. -- -- All these policies, measures and actions were pre-planned, MONTHS AND MONTHS ago... not at Mar A Largo, not by Trump nor his staff... but AT THINK TANKS. Like, for example, the *Project-2025* workup. Was Trump lying when he protested during the campaign that he had nothing to do with Project 2025? You betcha he sure was. He felt he had to - to be expedient, because DEM journos were harping on some out-in-space planks of that project. But in truth, yeah, he's VERY involved with them, big time. -- -- And they are exerting a huge / active OVERWHELMING influence upon everything he says, promotes, and signs into action. Plus upon where he goes and who he meets with. And what his daily talking points are. He's controlled by an unelected and hidden PRIVATE political machine. That's the THINK TANK SHELL GAME scam.
And who actually HEADS this unelected political machine that's acting as defacto POTUS? Well this is speculation, but there's much evidence to suggest that it's a troika of -- Jared Kushner, Peter Thiel, and Elon Musk. With Howard Lutnick acting as defacto VP (and troika enabler). And BTW it's certain the GAZA-RIVIERA plan comes from Jared and he plans to use his realty company CADRE to fund and run the project.
Notice how when DJT is handed something to sign, after he's told what it is, he makes a comment like, 'Oh, that's a big one'. Why? Because it's not his work. He's being handed things that other ppl worked up, not he, nor his immediate staff. -- -- Hear this clearly: The entirety of the executive branch has been outsourced to THINK TANKS. (with their input being curated by Jared Kushner).. And in case you don't want to take our word for it, here's the confirmation coming from Steve Bannon.
THE PRESIDENCY AND EXECUTIVE BRANCH ARE being shadow-run by a cabal of mega-wealthy (covertly globalist) Zionist elites.
So you see, the Trump presidency is not the 'Trump' presidency. It's a shell game. It's controlled by unelected elites behind the scenes. -- -- And why are they having him put on a flash and dazzle show of rapid fire patriotic good deeds right now? -- -- So you get lost in the sparkle and volume of all that --and do not pay attention to the mind-numbing horrible things that Trump is also rolling out. Like an insane incipient bromance and fascist alignment --with Big Tech / AI.
So, all that having been said.. Let's get into this Big Tech and AI madness. Because it's very very very serious and satanically dangerous.
** Financialization -- is the process by which financial markets and institutions gain more influence over the economy. It's characterized by the growth of the financial sector relative to other sectors of the economy.
Hey, IFFFFF you think and truly believe DJT is going to do nothing but good stuff and no bad stuff... YOU are bizarrely naive. And.... If you do NOT want to live in a clouded bubble of bizarre naivete, what you SHOULD BE doing is [paying attention to DJT's actions and words] looking for the stuff that is really BAD and in the wrong direction. Because it's going to roll out. There's going to be bad stuff, wrong stuff. Understand?
There is a terribly dangerous idolatry occurring now in the ranks of conservatism and MAGA. A cultish worship and naive credence -CONFERRED LIKE A PAINT BRUSH WASHING OVER ALL IMPERFECTIONS -is currently afoot in media, PAINTING DJT to be a "totally pure" EMPEROR OF GOODNESS.
Well... HE ISN'T A SAINT. He ain't a perfect person... And you'd better realize and accept this fact.... if you are going to be A GOOD ANALYTICAL MIND AND A GOOD PUBLIC VOICE -during the frenzied presidency that's unfolding..... Is he --going to do a number of BAD things along with many good things? Of course he will. THAT'S INEVITABLE.
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Remember this other DJT/governmental over-reach that was a misguided rush?
Covid-19 VACCINE: Contrary to what was promised, the Covid-19 vaccine did not stop the spread nor transmission of the virus.
RUSHED Covid-19 VACCINE APPROVAL: The FDA rushed approval of the Covid-19 vaccine. Two leading FDA scientists warned their colleagues about the dangers of rushing the vaccine approval process and the likelihood of adverse events. They were ignored. Now, millions of those who took the jab -are permanently maimed [or dead].
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Has DJT already rolled out some BADDDD stuff in his second term? ....Yes, very RAPIDLY HE DID: -- This freakin' madness of AI ZEALOTRY.
AI is the most dangerous threat to human freedom ever to flow down the stream of tech innovation.
You need to be alert and awake. Sober. Thinking clearly. Thinking critically.... YOU WANT TO BE SKEPTICAL and CONSTANTLY EXERCISE CRITICAL-THINKING.
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WTF? Aren't people around DJT, his close entourage, his "brain trust," telling him: THIS IS A VERY BAD IDEA... Don't do it!...? .....Because quite saliently to anyone well-informed and with good ole plain common sense, it is glaringly obvious THIS CHEERLEADING FOR AI OVER-TECH.. IS A VERY, VERY BAD IDEA, and DJT should not be endorsing it, supporting it, enabling it, nor boosting it.
It's not just merely a 'bad' idea; it's a horrendous and humanity-endangering idea. WHAT IDEA IS THIS? The idea of the DJT mingling with, getting in bed with... the demonically dangerous technology called AI. And listen, it isn't all about a mere race of competition with China. If China were promoting a trend of drinking hemlock with your luncheon sandwich, would we want to hop on that trend just to be competitive? -- --A BAD IDEA IS A BAD IDEA... AI is extremely extremely extremely dangerous, freedom-threatening technology. The government has no business --getting in bed with it.
When you talk about right direction and wrong direction, one could not possibly be more wrong -- than with the idea of having the federal government recklessly abet- wild and over-arching forms of AI... Uh, that's fascism btw, isn't it? But then again, we pretty much do already [and quite deleteriously] LIVE in a corporatist oligarchy. -- -- If you don't realize the uber-banks and big corporations basically run America (not the elected bodies)... You're kind of still watching the Flintstones in first-run.
Okay, enough flaunting of flamboyant verbiage; let's get into the grit of this memo. PPL need to raqpidly cause a severe political ruckus against this "WH DATES AND MATES WITH AI".. madness. DJT needs to hear so much yelling about this that he recants and fully backs off, just as (remember when) --DC was forced to nix the Dubai ports deal (remember that madness?).
That's what's needed of you. Use of your voice to yell from the rooftops on a daily basis until it triggers a critical mass of national uproar... Asserting that DJT must drop all this grossly misguided WH and fed government intimacy ..with private-enterprise AI. It's not what the federal government exists for, and is certainly government over-reach, let alone absurdly dangerous.
That's what this page is about.... A call to action.. A call for you to use your voice for good-- in publicly denouncing this unhinged folly, which Trump not only launched some days ago but is already fanning with lighter fluid on the fire... Saying he not only wants to be in bed with the mad technocrats wantonly rocketing AI, but he wants to turn this satanic bromance into a "MANHATTAN PROJECT 2.0"..
Holy freaking Toledo! This is beyond horrendous. He's pulling his pants down and bending over in naive collabration with the most dangerous people in the world. The reckless tech psychos, the pharmaceutical demons, and the soul-less bankers who fund them. Horrifying social consequences are sure to follow.
Who controls the world economy? Many people think the global economy is controlled by governments of the largest economies in the world, but this an acute misconception. Although governments do hold power over countries' economies, it's the big banks and large corporations who control and most meaningfully fund these governments.
What's needed of you: -- Use of your voice to yell on a daily basis... Asserting that DJT must drop all this grossly misguided WH/fed government intimacy with private-enterprise AI. It's nottttttt what the federal government exists for.
Listen, friend, you don't want the government having any relationship with AI other than to monitor it for excesses and reckless dangers --and to clamp down on any such detected. As for its growth, it really does not need government support for that. It's going to grow whether we like that fact or not. Our job as responsible citizens is to guard against and mitigate reckless, socially dangerous growth and developments. But note: You can't regulate your mistress when you just gave her a platinum card and told her to go have a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive.
THIS TRUMPIAN "billionaire boys club" bromance, and misguided intent to assist the crazy AI project of these socially predatory creatures [like Thiel, Altman, Ellison, Gates... And Fink, et al]-- this mad frenzy MUST BE reversed. And the purpose of this memo is to urge a roster of sane and influential --people to begin yelling loudly: NO, NO, NO, not this project. And NO NO NO to our government wantonly promoting crazed projects of AI advancement. NO NO NO NO NO. Wronnnng direction! Socially lethal direction. NOoooo! Stop it! Stop the DC involvement with this project -and with AI. Curtail, reverse, and block --this extremely dangerous fascism.
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It gives us no pleasure to type this memorandum. We wish there were no need to. But there's not only a need to; it's a vital, pressing, "life or death" urgency for presrving human freedom.
Certainly we know you are exhausted. All of us who fought the good fight through 2024 to save America are emotionally drained/mentally exhausted. 'Twas a very exhausting battle. And the last thing any of us wants to do is take up another svere, energy taxing battle... right away. That's why we assure you, you'd not be getting this memo if it were not tremendously important that you read these words.
Yes, we are voicing a fresh call to battle. IS IT a battle as serious as the one just fought? ...Truly... with no exaggeration, hands down, EVEN MORE SERIOUS. This grave matter is about the possibility of losing all human freedom for the rest of YOUR life and for the lives of many generations subsequent. It is the challenge to resist and overcome the advocacy for TPTB to have total digitized control over every civilized human life on the planet. TOTAL control. We repeat-- total, enslaving, total, pervasive control.
Every human, systematically... transformed from a free-acting individual to a totally controlled, enslaved, and oppressed "subject" --of a centralized, authoritarian "one world government". This nightmare ISSS the plan of TPTB. It must be thwarted. Headed off at the pass, right now.
If the movement toward digital-only money keeps advancing and transforms society into reliance upon digital-only money (no physical cash that you can hold in your hand), humankind thus loses all individual autonomy and freedom. Because implicit in digital money is that SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOU enables -- or erases or adjusts your money balance. The "money" you have no longer exists as an autonamous physical item, which impartially serves the holder. MONEY, then becomes political. Because it will be controlled by a politically overseeing entity. And if, hypothetically... IF digital-only money advances as an idea, a global trend, then inevitably with it will go the MANDATING of digital ID for everyone. Another guarantee of freedom extinguished. The emblem you will have representing you [digital ID] will have a life of its own, independent of actual reality. And any data or insinuations, accusations about you, along with your "social credit score," will be a grossly unkind and intolerant master of your fate. A politicized master of your fate.
Installing digital ID and DIGITAL ONLY MONEY as a fact of daily society would be the installation of total, uncompromising, top-down tyranny over the human race.... Most likely, you're bright enough to grasp this completely. But now we get into the briar patch. The sticky and hazardous terrain between where we are with these issues at the moment--- and the near future. Anyone sane with a working brain at this point of the conversation realizes DIGITAL ID, mandated digital ID, digital-only money (absence of cash), and a connected new slew of social mandates MUST BE, must be... MUST BE with a capital M and B... prevented and forever precluded.
The question becomes HOW? Large numbers of people must get on the same page about this passionate concern. And rapidly. THAT is where you come in... Starting now, right this moment, your commitment is needed, and your stream of ensuing actions on this matter is needed. Your voice, credibility, and your passion are needed for the drive to resist and thwart.
YOU ARE NEEDED... needed urgently to help with this necessary task.
The future of humanity NEEDS YOU to become a rationally obsessed zealot on the march-- for DEFEATING DIGITAL DEHUMANIZATION.
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POST SCRIPT: Watching the race to toxic fascism in real time day by day.
Further delving into a bag of socially/politically TOXIC IDEAS ..on 1/3 DJT launched another initiative CLEARLY outside the constitutional scope and purpose the federal government. The- a) creation of a financial agency to invest the government in private enterprises [ hear this report! - ], and b) the aim to make the FED gov't a major stockholder in Big Pharma, and c) the specific hankering to buy and run Tik Tok.. are saliently unethical and socially/politically toxic ideas.
Listen to what the very misguided and news-igonrant, Howard Lutnick (very shockingly) says here -- -- Economically partner with demonic Big Pharma? WTFFFFFF!! How insane! Sleep with rats and you'll get very very filthy.
But who put DJT in office? The billionaires who funded his run. WHOM will he truly serve? THEM, not you, not America. The flash and dazzle show is a distractiom. A conjob.
Now we know numerous people will read this memo, even go through it thoroughly, and realize what it says is totally correct. There is graaaave danger. But they will be hesitant to speak up at this time, in fear of "spoiling national glee over many common sense policies being enacted"... [ ] Fear to stand out like a sore thumb amidst the giddily hypnotizing celebration about many normalizing policies arriving. -- -- Is it really the TIME to speak out? Yes, it is the IMPERATIVE time to speak out; or this giddy, deceptive, hypnotizing glee will become the status quo, and it will be even more difficult to speak out some weeks hence. YOU'D BETTER SPEAK UP AND BE HEARD NOW, or this giddy festivity over the new Trump regime will become a distraction which allows the NWO to walk us all right into an open-air digital prison run by a tyrannical one-world government. Because that is the exact plan behind-- all this AI madness... and behind the wickedly fascist zeal to have government PARTNER with private enterprise.
Quite certainly, DJT's shock and awe frenzy of activity is to create a rapidfire 'fireworks' display so confusing and distracting, both experts in disciplines, and the general public -do not take closer looks at the bad and deleterious salvos mixed in with many salubrious actions. It's a conjob, a shell game, and a wickedly dangerous one. DJT does not work for you. He works for the DeepState moneyed class and is being guided by billionaire sugar-daddies. To wit, the heinous AI plan. And btw WHAT DID DJT give to the public the last time he dabbled in a "cutting edge health product". THE POISON JAB (aka covid vax). So why would a sane person trust his backing of this AI malarkey?
Take all of this theater with a grain of salt tho. As great as she sounds in these hearings, keep in mind she's also a brainwashed Zionist, blind to the Gaza genocide, and who declares that Israel, unequivocally the USA's most malicious, hostile and evil enemy on the planet.. She declares ISRAEL to be our best ally. DUH? Dunce cap for that. So like we say, don't fawn over her, she's a politician who tells the truth when it benefits her, and lies when it benefits her.
By comments and news from net, Posted in Politics / National
Regarding the USA Army and its recruting pain... 77% of military young males are ineligible because they're too fat, too mentally ill or too retarded. And the standards are considerably more lax than in yesteryear when the Army could still fight some semblance of a ground war without full air superiority. People who have their act together enough to pass the Army's standards are mostly finding other things to do. Patriotism also isn't taught in schools much any more, and at this point, I actually agree with this: America is fucked up and whatever there was to be proud of is gone. People with long family military traditions are advising their sons to not enlist. The Army is considering reinstating the Draft. They're so desperate for qualified useful personnel they stopped making advertisements featuring lesbian mommies, and they're starting to make ads so lily white the Waffen SS would approve.
Trump's latest presser (1/7) dwells on nutty distractions instead of key exigent issues.. Like DJT's failure to get a deal yet to end the UKR war.. And his unhinged support for the satanic Gaza genocide.
If one then inclines to infer Blinken and Sullivan are running the WH.. Wrong, they are just puppets for Victoria Nuland. This one shoud conjecture SHE is running the government and has been for many months.
Edtoir's note -- The POLIO VAX did not end the polio epidemic. The epidemic came for polluted drinking water. When that was solved, the epidemic ended. Praising the vaxx is a long-standng big lie.
DJT is absolutely unequivocally NOT what he poses to be. And all this simplistic, cartoonish fawning over him like he's some kind of miraculous hero is bad. It's delusion. His image is a crafted, manufactured, cartoonish simplicity, but the truth about him is way different. NO ONE, repeat NO ONE, gets into the Oval Office without being NWO-controlled. He is just NWO lite with a salient bias toward pretending the Israeli Jews are angels and not racist genocidal mass murderers. The sooner one gets off the cartoonish Trump train and realizes now that he's in office we the people need to start holding his feet to the fire on everything he's wrong about and everything he does that's wrong, the better. It's not the 1950s where the world was simple to understand. The world today is inordinately complex and replete with a zillion nuances. DJT is not what people want to believe he is; he's not his own man, and he's not what he poses to be. He'll do some- good things to support and feed his projected imagery, and will do- a lotta bad things simultaneously, which cultish fans will not want to recognize as bad. It's going to be a very complicated presidency because people want to believe the promoted myth and not see the complex and compromised reality. DJT did NOT defeat the Rothschilds and take the executive branch of government back for the people. That's hogwash. A total myth. And proof is in the pudding of some of these nominations: Rubio, Waltz, Stefanik, Lutnick, Kushner, etc. These are bought and paid for corrupt swamp scum. Israel first / America last --AIPAC manipulated. These are controlled NWO puppets. It's a theater of delusion. [DJT is Rothschild-controlled - to wit, handlers like Wilbur Ross, Jared Kushner]...The Zio-NWO (global) DeepState seized the WH in 1963 and have never handed it back to the ppl. And if you think and believe DJT all by his lonesome just grabbed it back from them, you are in deep delusion. Things are very complex and not what most people want to believe them to be. Just about everything coming at you is in some form and degree of con job; you have to be alert to it and push back against the cons. Including Elon Musk. A total con job. HE IS PUTTING UP the satellites for the NWO to use for AI control of the whole human population.... It's comfortable for the mind to view things in a simple way. But in today's world of 2024, it's also self-delusion. The key thing to understand is the Mafia tactic behind all of this deception. Big trouble always comes at you disguised as your friend.
By comments and news from net, Posted in Politics / National
Trump is a bought-and-paid-for Zionist (Israeli) "asset" (AGENT). He's going to put Israel first (at every turn), to a great detriment of the USA. THAT'S NOT WILD SPECULATION. THAT'S GUARANTEED.
Nobody who loves our nation and truly wants to Make America Great Again -wants to hear this so soon after the election. For most people who actually DO NOT KNOW the deep-dive version of recent American history, the defeat of the DEMS seemed like a hopeful event. But one needs to face hard cold facts quickly because new events are unfolding quickly, and the Trump betrayal of America we knew would be inevitable with this controlled and compromised operative (Trump)-- is rolling out way faster than even we anticipated. Understand this: Grasp this seriously; the myth of Trump as a truly independent "this own man" outsider is just that, a myth. The Zio-NWO Deep State took over the US government in November of 1963 in a violent coup. They have yet to give the WH back to the public and have no intention of doing so. NOBODY who is not deep-state controlled gets near possible occupation of the WH. Trump is an NWO asset, playing a role to make it SEEM like he's independent and against the Deep State. When in fact, he's funded and controlled by the (Zio-NWO) Deep State. Remember, the best way to defeat your opposition without violent physical conflict.. is to BE THEM (infiltrate the opposition and take them over... Become them). Reduce them to controlled opposition. Faux opposition. This is what you have in Trump. A con game. Israel first. MAGA lite. And Musk is a deep-state infiltrator, on board to promulgate the AI-pervasive "internet of things". Which will enable TOTAL control of the population -via use of digital money.
Obama is and always has been (since childhood) a completely controlled CIA-asset [He's not from Hawaii, nor Kenya. He was born in Thailand. Was handed over to the CIA as a child].... Insofar as Barry O. has making phone calls to the WH and relaying messages, it's messages from the DEEP deepstate. For example BLINKEN is rumored to be giving orders at the WH currently. Yeah but BLINKEN is and always has been nothing more than a lapdog, and errand boy for... Victoria Nuland. All roads lead to PNAC. .. At the moment.... And guess who else is a front for PNAC/The deepstate War machine? Waltz and Rubio. Trump is very naive. AND intellectually lazy. PROOF? So many proofs to offer but let's spin back to 2019 and 2020. Let's not forget HE GAVE US the insane and irrational (deepstate promulgated) lockdowns -not the DEMS; he began them, DEMS just sustained the madness. AND HE GAVE US the vaxx which anyone doing even a bit of homework --would have realized was a scam. So yes, he's intellectually lazy to the degree of a lotta very very very bad things resulting. He's not a hero. He's a very flawed and compromised pop culture icon. Nothing more. He's not a statesman. Not a serious enough mind to be called that. He's manipulated.. By the Rothschilds. Who bailed him out of bankruptcy in the 90's. He's not what he presents to be, nor what most people think of him as. He's a controlled asset. His commerce secretary in first admin. (Wilbur Ross) had previously been, for 25 years, VP of Rothschild Corp. This guy was a handler for the Rothschilds. DJT's new commerce sec'y Lutnick (also a billionaire) will be a handler on behalf of The Rothschilds/AIPAC. -- -- When you scratch a bit in Washington and find corruption, rinse and repeat, and you find even deeper corruption. Trump is not anti-swamp. He's part of the swamp, playing a role crafted to appear as, anti swamp... -- -- You can't be anti swamp-- appointing a spate of billionaires to job roles all around you. Duh!
Yes so tragic about the NYC-based hostage in the Mideast. And certainly Bibi and the Biden regime are to blame. The ppl running the Biden regime behind the scenes in the shadows are-- the very evil Victoria Nuland, along with hubby Robert Kagan, Dick Cheney, and Dov Zakheim (PNAC). She and Bibi do not actually want hostages released, They prefer to have this an ongoing sore point because they want.. More War. -- -- And DJT is remiss for speaking the way he's speaking. If he's talking about the hostages he should automatically couple that with demand for a ceasefire and halt of the genocide. This is not a one-sided nightmare. It's a complicated cactus.... SINCE the election DJT and Transition Team have made LOT of jolting mistakes- both in rheotric and in several appointments who are nothing short of horrible horrific choices that make no sense. Like Rubio (an asshole and totally corrupt), the DEA guy (insane), the surgeon General (incompetent), Mike Waltz (a dangerous nutcase)... And made uninhinged statements about Brics -which comments are not based on facts. Gotta wonder what's in the drinking water at Mar A LAgo. We hear that Don Jr. is making some of the choices. He's truly not qualified for that role of staff picking. Trump Train is on very rickety and dangerous wheels down there, Very concerning. DJT's getting info / input from the wrong sources. AND talking to and appointing too many.. Billionaires... Jared's father, Tiffany's father in law.... Listening to the very toxic bankster Jamie Dimon,. This is all--- crazy. And quite concerning. He's being a bull in a china shop and clearly doing no homework/research on his staffing picks. And there's a lotta backlash about this online in social media- from DJT loyalists especially (like Cernovich and numerous others).... It's all very -Not Good.
By comments and news from net, Posted in Politics / National
One might rationally conjecture that the Transition Team/staffing process is disorganized, lacking central leadership, and, well, chaotic. BECAUSE the array of picks so far ranges from the very good (Dr. Jay Batachara, Tom Homan, RFK, Tulsi) to the starkly horrible (Elise, Rubio, Waltz, and Waltz's sister in law picked for surgeon general). And if one does conjecture that the T.T. is not a well-organized and smooth running team, then it would be logical to guess that a disorganized TRANSITION PROCESS is to blame -for the ghastly inconsistency of quality in picks.
SOME OF THE PICKS seem like they got invited into a job role because... Oh, it's somebody you know and like. Hi!... Yet no serious thought was given to their appropriateness for the role, and no serious homework was done to vet them as qualified and appropriate for the role.
This news article below gives some insight, but not enough. It states that DON JUNIOR is walking into the door with a number of these picks (how many we don't know). So then, is he responsible for the bad picks, or the good picks? All in all right now, the apparent chaos of disorganization at Mar A Lago gives the nation reason to be concerned about DJT--- in terms of steering the mothership well.
NOTE --This podcast team is still kool-aid drunk on believing the covid psyop at face value, and believing in the (well, known to be poison) COVID VAXX. So filter out that leftie bias --and just hear the anger being voiced about the Surgeon General pick.... WHO IS, by the way, this incompetent doctor is... sister in law to the rabid neocon nutcase pick for NAT SEC ADVISOR, Mike Waltz. Trump seems to be wading deeply in the rancid DeepState SWAMP, and enjoying the taste of bilge-water.. For some strange (as yet) unknown reason.. WTF?.. Where has his mind drifted off to? This crazy woman, crazy Waltz, crazy Rubio, crazy Gorka... WTF, Donald? Anyone home?... Where art thou?
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TV celeb Wendy Williams is expiring. She became radically ill shortly after taking the (poisonous) 'covid vaxx'. Initially she was against it, but Dr., Oz talked her into it. Good going Oz. Did the vaxx cause her problems? Well, you do the math. She was fine before it, and became radically ill shortly after. Duh?!.. And btw, while she was speaking NEGATIVELY about the jab on TV before changing her mind, we communicated with her and adamantly supported her initially negative view, and urged her to stay strong and NOT TAKE it.... Well, the rest is history.
By comments and news from net, Posted in Politics / National
Because as a physician she's obvioulsy a moron --in that she's STILLLLL promoting the *KNOWN TO BE POISON*, covid vax (see link #2).. And thus we wonder if DJT ran this choice by RFK for consent. Did he?
The erratic quality of staffing picks is so sharp in contrast between good and bad picks, one must comment... WHY is DJT soooooo unconsistent in judgment ---and sooooooo intellectually eccentric?
This woman is absolutely an undiscerning medical moron... Who (during the covid psyop) read on-air, and supported, CDC press releases ---mindlessly/uncritically
A terrible terrible choice. ALSO, why aren't other members of Transition Team preventing DJT from making terrible choices? WTF? Is Transition Team -a TEAM, or a sham for show?
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And another really stupid thing being done is pulling ppl out of the House and Senate. VERY VERY stupid. Leave them there! You want to leave them there to protect the newly-gained margins. You don't know if their replacements on the Hill will be good. DUH! Not one single person should have been drawn out of the House or Senate. Didn't TEAM input this advice to DJT?
COMMENT -- We must say we're strongly disappointed, but not surprised. We expected much intellectual inconsistency from DJT because he's a very intellectually inconsistent person. Who (for example) acts like he does not even know WHO the ruling members of the NWO DeepState are, and what their key mission is. DOES HE REALLY NOT? .. And (another example) he keeps supporting the poisonous 'covid vax' instead of repudiating it and profusely apologizing for OP WARP SPEED.
Obviously Trump has flipped to ISRAEL FIRST in that he nominated multiple ppl for boosting ISRAEL politically, before appointing a single job role --on the US economy.... Duh!
Hmmm, why Gaetz instead of Matt Whittaker? MW is certainly loyal, but also more experienced/qulified vis a vis DOJ.
And why Waltz for nat-sec instead of Patel? Patel is more qualified.
And why Tulsi for DNI instead of Ratcliffe? Ratcliffe is more qualified.
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RE -- Tulsi
The job of DNI is hugely important when it comes to foreign policy. The position involves overseeing 18 intelligence agencies and preparing the president's daily intelligence briefing. It's a high-stakes advisory position, but also a bureaucratic one since it involves so much inter-agency coordination.
Gabbard, an Iraq War veteran, is well known for her strident criticism of the crazy American-overseas wars. She was a critic of the U.S. interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq and generally opposed the post-9/11 bipartisan consensus on regime change and nation-building. She also criticized then-President Trump for withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.
But those positions alone don't make her a progressive on foreign policy. She has also called herself a "hawk" on terrorism, backed sovereignty-violating drone warfare, and has supported brutal authoritarian repression of civilian rebels under the banner of fighting Islamism. She's a CFR member and Zionist and has accused pro-Palestinian protesters of being "puppets" of "a radical Islamist organization," and her rhetoric surrounding defeating Hamas suggests she's aligned with the DC's support of the IDF Gaza Genocide.
By comments and news from net, Posted in Politics / National
Trump sadly turns himself into a poltical joke by naming some ludicrous picks for big roles. Like Waltz, Rubio, Stefanik, Hegseth. Exactly how much LSD has he taken?
What to expect next from DJT? Very possibky... He's gonnna act shocked and surprised that ppl broadly detest Blackock, Warhawks, Neocons, and Zionists... And Zionist Billionaires.
Marco is a two-faced poser. A zionist-bribed and owned... political whore. Most certainy NOT QUALIFIED to hold the very serious role of SECRETARY OF STATE. Rubio is a childish joke... Clearly Trump is living mentally in Alice's Wonderland.
He aso names Huckabee, MIKE HUCKABEE, as Ambassador to Zio-land. Mike literally CANNOT SEE a single "Palestinian"...
By comments and news from net, Posted in Politics / National
(Illuminatti/Bilderberg 'made man') Fareed at CNN --opines that the 3 lethal mistakes DEMS made when running Commie Kamala for prez were:
1) Failing to take the border crisis seriously and then vocing a much more hardline stance on it than Biden did
2) The stupidty of the LAWFARE torments only made voters nmore sympathetic to Trump
3) The nuttiness of identity "woke" poliktics becamne "nuttinewss sqared" in escalation -and instead of backing off the lunacy, they embrced it and owned it.