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COMMIE KAMALA is absolutely nothing more than a 59 year-old HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADER

By from net, Posted in Politics / National


There are three key drives in her psychology, which motivate and control her.

1) A desire to feel larger than 'common life' out and about. In other words, a desire to feel more socially special, noteworthy, and socially important ---than the "average" person. A drive to feel a strong sense of SELF-IMPORTANCE... (This is a particular shade of vanity, a very specific drive)..

2) A desire to feel socially POWERFUL. Like, she can have an impact on situations. Regardless of the ideology of the impact, she just simply wants to feel a sense of SOCIAL POWER, the ability to have some kind of impact on the social environment within which she operates. When she launches into ranting tirades about Trump, it's from this drive to --feel personally-- powerful.

3) Female / egotistical ---narcissism (VANITY). She feels that she's "pretty", and this is an innate power which works to her advantage in all situations. But she is currently acutely aware that her physical radiance is fassssst disappearing. She's not looking "hot" anymore; her face is aging, and she's got wrinkles in her neck. She's absolutely aware her shelf-life of being pretty to look at, [and of that being a personal asset] is FADING FAST. This is her biggest (emo) Achilles heel at the moment-The fact she's even past the age of even being a MILF. She's 59 and wrinkling up. Anything that makes her feel like her youth is wayyy gone, and she's fast departing from the world of PRETTY- is going to send her reeling emotionally inside. She's putting on the brave face, but she fears everybody is judging her fading prettiness every time she's seen in public. She feels older than she looks with makeup--- because she's aware-acutely aware-she's not 'hot' anymore. She's just lipstick and makeup on a 59-year-old social poser, married to an ugly, wacky, cuckoo.. simp guy. This is her internal, personal reality,.

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THE STARK TRUTH - She represents a high degree of A.P.D.

Kamala.. is a mentally un-gifted person. A minimal intellect, capable of little more than being a controlled actress given talking points to memorize then endlessly spout back out. She's not capable of realistic critical thinking, serious analysis, creative and imaginative thinking, philosophizing, problem-solving, policy-formation or competent decision-making. She's a 59 year old high school cheerleader. And cackles just like such. 100% superficial / intellectually bankrupt. She is inside-- an ugly, creepy, insecure, chaotic personality. Simply an aging actress with neck wrinkles --who can perform like a trained seal, memorizing and reciting scripted talking points. She's a puppet of handlers in the shadows, and a vote for her is a vote for extending the reign of the same evil handlers in the shadows, who handle Biden, and are destroying our nation. She's a celluloid cupie doll, a true nobody. Pushed at you as a total conjob. It's important to see her for what and who she is. She's a weakly-skilled off off off Wayyy Offfff Broadway--- actress... Nothing more. She has no internal "values", "beliefs" or "aims" or "goals". Her entire inner makeup is simply the three emotional drives mentioned above. That's her, and there's absolutely nothing more to her.... Nothing more than that..... Period. Full stop.

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For shorter version of next video begin at: -- 44:52


Nothing in the job experiences she held prior to VP would qualify KH to be POTUS. And her job expereince and job performance in the role of VP distinctly DIS-QUALIFY her to be appropriate for the POTUS job.

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There is a class of individuals who have been around forever and who are found in every race, culture, society and walk of life. Everybody has met these people, been deceived and manipulated by them, and forced to live with or repair the damage they have wrought. These often charming-but always deadly-individuals have a clinical name: socipaths and psychopaths. Their hallmark is a stunning lack of conscience; their game is self-gratification at the other person's expense. All take far more than they give.

The most obvious expressions of psychopathy-but not the only ones-involve the flagrant violation of society's moral rules. Not surprisingly, many psychopaths remain out of prison, using their charm and chameleon-like coloration to cut a wide swathe through society, leaving a wake of ruined lives behind them.


Symptoms of PSYCHOPATHY include:

~ Lack of empathy. Manipulation. Deceit. Having a big ego. Lack of remorse. Limited emotional responses. Recklessness. Impulsivity.~

Lack of empathy: Psychopaths have a severe lack of empathy and may have difficulty understanding or addressing emotions.

Manipulative behavior: Psychopaths are manipulative, charming, and exploitative.

Impulsive behavior: Psychopaths may act without thinking of the consequences and are impulsive and risky at times.

Lack of remorse: Psychopaths lack conscience or guilt and may refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.

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Leftie MSM is in freefall meltdown


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[[ KACKKLE (brand) pinocchio-style 'WORD SALADS'... "Brought to you by the worst poltical crooks on earth"... ]]

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** FASCINATING VIDEO CLIP... DJT talks about who has the most power -in DC politics -- **


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