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Some are getting creepy feelings about this horde of TOURING DOCTORS -- doing traveling shows. LISTEN TO THE QUESTIONS RAISED

By from net, Posted in Political-Movements / Organizing



And BTW who the heck are Clay Clark and Jason Shurka?... And how did they fast rise to wealth and political power (outside the spotlight)? Both are FINANCIAL INVESTMENT CONSULTANTS, and (supposedly) and at the same time are putatively... (powerful political organizers and) ALTRUISTIC DO GOODERS FOR THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF SOLCIETY? .. Really?

And SHURKA is only 25 yrs old?? Hmmmmm... very curious, and ... interesting.

= = = =

PS --- Worst political idea in the air? ... Is "Trump 2024". oh please spare us that nightmare. He is obviously a "limited hangout" NWO-controlled operative. Who sinfully GAVE US the lockdowns, the covid "killer pandemic" psyop hoax, the fake PCR test, and the evil poison jab. WE NEED MORE OF THAT KIND OF EVIL? Nooo we do not. Clear the air.

Let Trump fade into circus oblivion. Pls. Do us all that favor.