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Is there REALLY a cult of evil conspirators advancing a plan to takeover your life? -- Dear Virginia...

By from net, Posted in Commentary

"Dear Virginia"...

You are very smart in some things but still very naive and under educated in others.

The phrase CONSPIRACY THEORIST was invented and promulgated by the CIA in the 60's to deionize people raising questions about JFK?DALLAS '63

It's been used ever since to suppress wicked truths form being seriously exposed/outed by MSM

IS THERE a global conspiracy by a global "DEEP STATE" cadre, aiming to install a ONE WORLD tyranny government to supplant all sovereign nations?


OF COURSE THERE IS -- of course there is an NWO!







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Was/is the COVID PSYOP and the JAB IN THE ARM project part of that takeover? -- YES!

Are the faked mass-shooting psyops to effect gun grab -part of the takeover project? -- YES!

Is intentional collapse of the global economy part of that project? -- YES! (Get ready for one world digital-only currency with no cash in your hand. Complete slavery. If the NWO don't like you -they shut your money card off)...

Is the NATO-triggered UKR proxy war.. [as a lightening rod to blame inflation and global economic collapse on]... part of the takeover project? -- YES!

Was the USA election Steal of 2020 (see '2000 MULES') part of the takeover? -- YES!

Does NWO also plan to steal 2022? -- YES!









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Dear Virginia.... Our advice? View https://daretoreadit.com daily. We are a serious collection each day of the REAL NEWS from the REAL WORLD. WW3 has been running for a while. But it's a new kind of war, with the main weapon being info and psychological deceptions pushed thru MSM for mass mind manipulation. It's essentially NOT a nation-vs-nation war (although the wicked chess game UKR proxy war is PART of WW3). Principally it's a war of the NWO against all of humanity. A massive drive to subjugate all of humanity under a tyranny governance that's techno controlled. Enslavement imposed and ensured by cyber/techno systems. And (relentlessly)... Ppl worldwide are being deceived and brainwashed to act and think in ways -contrary to their own best interests.