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GET YOUR MIND READY -- It's gonna be a cruel, cruel SUMMER

By from net, Posted in Politics / National

All of human society can be viewed as being spilt now into two groups. The aware and alarmed. And the naively ignorant.

What does that mean? Hey if you know you know... The naively ignorant feed on FAKE NEWS social media and MSM. The aware and concerned consume REAL NEWS from REAL NEWS sources. They are aware that WW3 is in full swing and it's a new kind of war. Its the NWO against the vast human populace. It aims to extinguish 6 billion human lives to cull the herd for easier manage-ability. And seeks to techno harness humanity under the tyrannical one world government, managed by AI, with a forced enslavement by hi-tech control.

(watch this video docu asap) -- https://rumble.com/v1abs66-dr.-carrie-madej-nearly-died-in-devastating-airplane-crash-battle-for-human.html

Like we said moments ago, if you know you know.


But if this commentary leaves you foggy you are hundreds of miles behind the 8 ball in the information curve. You'll have trouble catching anywhere near to .. up-front.

So now --what is the point of this posting?

To put the aware and alert ...on higher alert.

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Are you familiar with the inscription on the Statue of Liberty? --And do you know it came from a French-woman, not an American?

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Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.

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Let's assume that was an invitation. Was it the invitation of a female Jewish poet from France? Or from the hearts and minds of Americans? Have Americans EVER been looking to primarily populate this nation with people described as humanity's wretched refuse poor and homeless? Was that the Pilgrims? uh, no.

So many things thru history get put into lore, which were something different in original intent, and/or were something less than the best thinking at start.

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The NWO-controlled.. radical political left.. have pounced on and glorified the idea that somehow sometime some place America "way back then" was dedicated to being the world's promiscuous and un-demanding homeless shelter. Consequences be dammed.

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This isn't exactly what America was ever really truly ... by it's founders... dedicated to being.

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COMBINE that misappropriation of rhetoric with the mis-speaking claim that the USA is a "democracy" and you have the stuff that twisted lore is made of.,

Democracy? No it's not. USA's constitution is the anti-democracy. It forms a Republic, specifically to preclude mob rule of the simple majority, in hysterical times.


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There can be no doubt we are in hysterical times. And sadly we here at DTRI fear, this summer will only become much more hysterical. As the NWO political left becomes increasingly desperate to prevent a successful RED WAVE in November.


Be clear on this people, the Zio-NWO monsters promulgating a global RESET are desperate beyond words to prevent a RED WAVE in Congress. For such would mean the certain overturning of so so so much they have worked to inflict upon this nation in recent years and months...


The wicked Henry Kissinger once privately said that if you can get people to accept forced vaccinating, you can get them to accept -- ANYTHING. Regrettably it appears he was correct. Was the push to put a slow-acting poison jab (which is not an actual vaccine) into the populace --anything less than coerced, pressured, widely mandated, forced? It was absolutely nothing less than that. A heinous social/political crime against humanity. When (recall this fact) covid boasted a 99.98% recovery rate and is curable within 30 hours by Ivermectin.

If you don't think SCOTUS is politically manipulated behind the scenes, you are naive. The timing of the RvW ruling was certainly set to touch off social chaos. And the Red State legislatures were some time ago infiltrated to pass insanely unforgiving anti abortion trigger laws. STORM STORM STORM.


begin at 1:15 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mzXzAvfqgc




This is an NWO-CREATED social/political storm. So is the furor over guns, CREATED by a multi-decade stream of fake event pyops falsely misleading the public to think crazed mass shooters are as common as ADHD.

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Are the satanic NWO planning to give you a break? Give you a relaxed summer to enjoy as a breather from their madness of fake pandemic, fake mass shootings, and real inflation?.... Guess what? Noooooo, they are not. Because if they did it would leave them only 2 months in the fall (Sept Oct) to create events that will be a useful explanation for their next election steal ....11/2022.

That's too little time for such to be adroitly done. So if you are rational, you can expect all kinds and quantities of dung to hit the fan this summer. Start thinking about what it might include, and brace yourself, get ready for the onslaught. Because as sure as the Zio-NWO wants to fully takeover the world, they want you to experience a summer of hell.



WHAT WILL THAT INCLUDE? New fake pandemic? Power blackouts? Food and gas rationing? Literally unbearable inflation? Worse and worse supply chain shortages? Psyop terrorism blamed on the USA's (substantially nonexistent)(so-called) white supremacist movement? Cyber blackouts? NATO creates a global hot war-aspect of WW3 out of the Ukraine mess? ....All of the above? We don't have a precision crystal ball so we can't tell ya EXACTLY what to expect. All we can say in trying to be helpful is....GET READY. Get freakin' READDDY. Because.... You ain't likely gonna have... a 'peaceful' summer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


NWO tries to assassinate whistleblower Carrie Madej


Russell Brand on Inflation


Keep in mind, USA has been a defacto corporatocracy for many decades, and the government a corrupt servant of that corporatocracy... And both these facts are more true now than you could easily imagine. Your world is NOT.. yours. The enemy of you owns just about everything around you. And the government and the press are merely their assistants.


Why now Scotus?






