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SPECIAL FEATURE -- What's coming toward you -- Digital ID will mean Digital Prison for all humanity

By from net, Posted in The Society (trends / histories)





We must..."Take action in our local communities to resist this planned trend."

It is a local war that can and must be waged...and is something we can all do. No excuses.

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TRUE THIS: -- Americans may see and hear about rapidly rising prices, closing stores, rising debt, more and more food stamps, remote learning, remote working, offshoring, promoted homosexuality, endless US wars and proxy wars, increasing taxes, illegal immigrants, nanny state laws, security cameras, license plate readers, checkpoints, redlight cameras, speed cameras, fake covid tests, FBI facial and voice recognition, curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, social equality, ubi, Obamacare, green everything, carbon everything, controlled resources, rationing, lockdowns, CDC and WHO lies about covid, forced vaxxing, mask mandates, free speech bans, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, fake covid stats, fake covid 'vaccine', DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, the crimes of central banking, stop and frisk, 3 strikes laws, kill switches, (fictionally) 'asymptomatic' plagues, National Security Letters, simulated event psyops for propaganda, digital currency to replace physical currency, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, depopulation measures, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, laws outlawing protesting, police militarization, and Jade Helm.... But they're not connecting the dots to realize that all these seemingly unrelated issues are ALL SECRETLY CONNECTED and are all parts of the plot to destroy and subjugate the USA. They are not seeing that WW3 is underway, and all of these things are part of the NWO's war on humanity in general, and the USA in specific. All of these things (and worse) comprise WW3. It's basically a war of THEM (nwo shadow powers), against US.

Americans are so brainwashed, divided, distracted, degraded, and demoralized now that they might even think that many of these trends are necessary.

Americans tend to not recognize tyranny for what it is, because it's layered into being 'boiling frogs style' (not all at once). Do you honestly think no day could come where some bizarre excuse is used to send Americans to FEMA concentration camps?


The 'elites' (NWO) will not stop rolling in aspects of totalitarianism -because why would they? So many lines have been crossed and people have repeatedly, not pushed back. At no point will the NWO globalists restore the Bill of Rights, end the wars, or reduce the debt. Tyranny happens slowly and then you suddenly wake up one day to find the country locked down and the borders closed. So many Americans are just animals now. A 50 year old cop might be hesitant about torturing fellow citizens, but a young cop would not. Churches are closed and there are no morals. Why would you stand up for freedom if you never knew what REAL liberty means? You might have been surprised the first time that you saw a checkpoint or a black helicopter, but now you're used to it.


The 'notion' of a police state --has become a reality. When you can be locked down in quarantine AS A WELL PERSON. Collapse of the USA (and Europe, UK, Canada) has gone from being a feared possibility, to a gradualizing certainty.




The quiet warnings of tyranny have been heedlessly walked past. If you had discerning, educated eyes, you could see the ever-advancing police state. If you had high-level friends in banking or the government then you would know what is impending. This is not a joke. The ruling class wants most of you dead. A smaller population is easier to control. You don't have decades or years to fight back or prepare for the collapse. Tomorrow will not be like today or yesterday. Soon months will become weeks and then you will have days, and then you will only have hours and then just minutes. Soon the ATM machines and the Internet will be interrupted (with a fake excuse) shut off. For who knows how long? Cash will be banned. You lose all freedom when your money is in a card someone else controls. Do honestly believe that the USA will never have mass starvation, show trials, summary executions? How long do you think that you have before you're given a mandatory vaccination and a microchip implant? When will the Gestapo start the door-to-door gun confiscation? Will you be surprised when property is nationalized, the US flag and national anthem are changed, and the USA is renamed?

Wake up.

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Jeff Rense & David Icke - The AI Takeover And The Subjugation Of Humanity


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SPECIAL REPORT -- How colleges have turned away from real education into maniacal indoctrination cults:


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Vlogger Max Igan weighs in


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Your food and water supplies are being poisoned by the NWO

(note -- On next page DO NOT click on videos 1 & 2 --they are broken and will not load properly. DO NOT CLICK ON THEM. Only play videos 3-7)


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