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The Society (trends / histories)

Many states and cities of the USA are being destroyed by terrorism: ~ DEI - the terrorism of lunacy.

By from net, Posted in The Society (trends / histories)





SOCIAL COMMENTS -- from a blogger on GLP

By from net, Posted in The Society (trends / histories)

Our Society in America has collapsed. It's a massive implosion.
Most people including myself are focused on the economy and how it is doing. But the more concerning thing is actually the state of our society and it's associated cultures. It is pretty clear to me that it is collapsing and may already be collapsed.

The structure of our society has always been marriage, family, homes, community, stable work, and social organizations like churches. This was a successful model. One can criticize the model or aspects of this model but it worked.

Now we see a major collapse of dating and marriage, of family formation, of church attendance, of communities. We have a huge uptick in recreational drug use and abuse, a huge uptick in mental illness and the associated psychotropic drug treatment. A Majority of the population now doesn't feel safe in their cities and towns. We have a huge big brother surveillance environment with cameras everywhere especially on doorbells. Sexual deviance is becoming normalized through porn and other avenues. People tend to keep to themselves much more now. Many Men are preoccupied with video games. Finding a stable career or line of work is more and more difficult. And the cost of living has risen to a level that makes life extremely difficult to afford just the basics.

The list of things destroying our society is quite long and deep. We are in a catastrophic societal collapse.

= = = =



SOME SERIOUS social insanity going on UK.. You gotta see these videos

By from net, Posted in The Society (trends / histories)



The GREAT (evil) REPLACEMENT project of the NWO (worldwide) us sadly.. working.


Here's the 411 of it all


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SNAPSHOT AMERICA.... a creepy reality check

By from net, Posted in The Society (trends / histories)


= = = =

MEANWHILE... Oh that censorship!



The Justice Department seized 32 websites and charged two Russian state media employees Wednesday in a Kremlin-backed campaign to influence voters in the U.S. presidential election by exploiting societal and political divisions -- and by criticizing the competency of the U.S. military.


Scott Ritter is forced to stop contributing to RT

"Russian election interference scheme" targeted US military competency


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