Daretoreadit.com - Raw Truth News

Books / Magazines

PLAYBOY -- back to basics, and back in print and on newsstands

By from net, Posted in Books / Magazines


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Hooters chain is on the ropes in its combat with inflation and lower foot traffic --due both to inflation and the post covid lingering trend ..to have food delivered.


Wow!! -- French Government Collapses as Le Pen Joins Leftist Bloc to Oust Globalist PM

By from net, Posted in Books / Magazines

Bye Bye Barnier! French Government Collapses as Le Pen Joins Leftist Bloc to Oust Globalist PM over 'Technocratic' Budget



THE ISSUE IS... citizens versus the DeepState, the NWO, The Rothschild Cartel, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030

By from net, Posted in Books / Magazines

Both Trump and Biden are NWO-controlled puppets. The Trump versus Biden drama is a big distraction psyop run by NWO to keep the public asleep and stupid. THE ENEMY is not one candidate or another, that's all a big nonsense show. The ENEMY is the NWO. Anyone not focusing on that, outing that, exposing that reality-- is doing no good for the public. Period.

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USA's Zionist Occupied Gov't is running the MIGRNAT INVASION OF USA - designed to destroy USA society and turn it into a hell heap.. And neutralize political opposition to the NWO globalist takeover.


GAY PSYCHOPATH Mayorkas tries to tell you -- baking soda is responsible for tooth decay

By from net, Posted in Books / Magazines





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