RUSSIAN FORCES commence major new offesive in UKRAINE
comments and news from net, Posted in Nat'l-Defense / Military
Clearly the latest military aggression by Russia in UKR is simply one more effort to say to Kiev.... YOU'VE LOST THE WAR, surrender already --so the killing can stop. Geesh, surrender already. It's overrrrrr. It's been over for months. Give up so the bloodshed can stop. Pls surrender already so this madness can end.
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DJT comments FRIDAY
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MEANWHIULE the mentally lsot DMES and DEM-pary MEDIA are insanley ALL IN for perpetuating a meatgrinder quyicksand war with Russi which Ukraine NATO cannto possibly win (or it woudl have already).
DEM propaganda media are screwing themselves deeper into the floor by the day. Promoting sheer madness simply because they are told to -by the mentally deranged DNC.
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USA's "political left" has become so disconnected from reality, its getting to the point where.. if you wanna know what stocks to avoid on Wall Street, ask an MSNBC host- what stocks THEY LIKE.