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STUPIDITY ON STEROIDS -- Madman Macron offers a bagel to Kiev and calls it a 'life-saver' float

By from net, Posted in Politics / World



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Gosh what's next from Macon? Will he send aid to the Viet Cong also to prolong the Vietnam war? Hmmm, is it possible that Macron being "married" to a fake-woman tranny is making him crazier by the day? Just asking out loud. Asking for a friend.

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All this Macron madness proves is that ZELENSKY is utterly, completely totally UNDER the thumb of NATO. Is a Nuland/NATO/Pnac puppet. And of course they want to extend the conflict because "aid to Kiev" is a massive money laundering scheme. And gift to the arms industry. There's noooo righteousness nor honesty in any of this. And Z-man is being used as a mere stooge. A role he'd proven he plays well-- during his TV-acting days.