HolyToledo.... DETROIT is waging a malevolent war on AM RADIO broadcasting
comments and news from net, Posted in Consumerism
DID YOU KNOW.. US automakers are now EXCLUDING the AM radio band -from standard equipment in new cars?...
This is a verrrry bad thing because AM RADIO is a necessary source of info in times of emergency. It travels farther and stronger than any FM signal. Plus the NEM (aka EAN/EBS) alert system depends upon AM for pervasive coverage.
Also FYI... Car and truck listenership is key to commercial viability of existence for the realm of AM RADIO STATIONS. Without in-car / in truck listening.. the whole realm of AM radio would soon commercially collapse. Thousands of stations go out of business.
AND let us note, almost all of TALK RADIO where Americans can discuss important poltical and social issues of the day.. is on AM radio.
Shouldn't DC legally ~mandate~ AM RADIO in all new cars? (As a matter of public safety and political info-access). Broadly speaking, FM stations are (most of them) music stations. AM stations are primarily news/info/discussion.