There's no 2-ways about it. The "nation of Isreal" has become a cesspool of moral bankruptcy, a haven of evil.
comments and news from net, Posted in Politics / World
[begin at 5:41] -- [answer to his question= CONTROL OF ALL MONEY WORLDWIDE thru Central Banks] [in this chat Kim is mostly right, Roger is mostly wrong]
Israel is the most cosmetically whitewashed nation in the history of propgandizing. Behind it's facade, the government and the society are evil, predatory, mass-murdering, thieving, satanic.. Proof that the society itself is linked at the hip with the government's wickedness, is that the majority of citizens are ALL IN for the Gaza genocide.
And those who cheer Bibi and Company on in their campaigns of depravity, are either willfully ignorant or brutally brainwashed by having gleefully ingested too much propaganda. Because all who are clear-sighted easily see the entire state of Israel has turned into a curse from hell. Yeah, and that blindness includes Trump and his betraying NAT SEC team of neocons, who put Israel on a pedestal. When it ought to be on an auction block being broken up and distributed.
Sleepwalking Piers Morgan fails to see what IS, and instead says that what actually IS right now-- MIGHT HAPPEN ..Duh?!
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begin at 34:00 -- Discretion advised -- This is a PSYCHIC who has been posting material online for many months. This item was posted 4 months ago. YOU HAVE TO KNOW A LOT lot lot LOT of deep dive / down the rabbit whole info to even follow him, otherwise he will strike you as totally batsh*t ludicrous.. If you have followed David Icke for years you will understand what he's saying. If not, you will think he's an unhinged kook. THIS IS VERY CREEPY and jolting info. DISCRETION ADVISED. Very bizarre input. When he says ~Reptilians~ he's talking about actual shape shifters. And when he talks about drones which can pass thru walls he means they are made of such material and vibrate at such frequencies that- they are made of content more tiny than gas molecules. All this is not to say we believe he's 100% correct in all he says, but it's very provocative and clearly a lot of it IS correct. ONE THING THAT UNEQUIVOCALLY IS accurate is that all these Starlink satellites Elon Musk is putting up (tens of thousands of them) have a nefarious purpose, not a benevolent one. Another thing he mentions that's accurate is-- The OCT 7th event in Isreal was a planned psyop / false flag to justify decimating every inch of Gaza and to commit a massive genocide- plus land grab.
There was actually a "predictive programming" TV series about alien invasion / global takeover.. which ran on TV [globally] for 5 years starting in 1997 -- It was called- EARTH FINAL CONFLICT.
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The Syria and Ukraine CONNECTIONS to the big picture
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