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Meanwhile in UKRAINE.. Kiev is losing losing losing

By from net, Posted in Nat'l-Defense / Military

Ukraine? Last month the Ukrainians lost a great deal of territory...

Ukraine has endured a tough three months in which Russian forces made gains across the front, which are likely continue over winter, a military analyst has said.

"The trend is dire, and there's no reason to expect the situation to calm down in December either," Emil Kastehelmi, from the Finnish-based Black Bird Group, told Newsweek.

In an X, formerly Twitter, thread, the OSINT analyst said that, in the three months to December, Moscow's troops had captured around 617 square miles in Ukraine and 190 in Russia's Kursk oblast, where Ukrainian forces had staged an incursion but where they have lost the western flank, as well as positions in the Donbas region.

Ukraine is a place where the psychotic and evil 'western alliance' is losing badly, and western politicians are bizarrely hoping to turn things around.

But the truth is that unless NATO gets directly involved, Ukraine will definitely lose.

As the war drags on, Ukrainian soldiers are deserting from their posts in staggering numbers...

More than twice as many Ukrainian soldiers have been charged with desertion this year than in 2022 and 2023 combined, the Financial Times has reported. The spike in desertions has hampered Kiev's ability to replenish its thinned-out ranks.

Ukrainian prosecutors opened 60,000 cases against deserters between January and October of this year, the British newspaper reported on Saturday, noting that those convicted face prison terms of up to 12 years.

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have already died on the killing fields of eastern Ukraine.


Ukrainian troops have suffered a series of defeats on the battleground this year and are undermined by low morale, desertions, and a lack of reinforcements. Moscow has said it will not accept a peace deal that would allow Kiev to rebuild its military and renew the conflict at some later point.

A draft truce that the two nations agreed to in 2022 would have made Ukraine a neutral nation with a capped army strength in exchange for international security guarantees. Zelensky was eventually persuaded by Victoria Nuland surrogates to INSTEAD, sustain the Western proxy war.