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STUNNING REVELATION - A foreign nation has been secretly running the USA's DOD for 30+ yrs. Guess which?

By from net, Posted in Politics / World





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Syrian Girl (journo) says Rebels who seized Syria... arrrrrre... Al Qaeda


Larry Johnson says Bibi is getting ready to launch HARD upon Iran


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Israel's CURRENT (right now) invasion of Syria has progressed to within 60 miles of Damascus


** STUNNING REVELATION - A foreign nation has been secretly running the USA's DOD for 30+ yrs. Guess which? **
ANDDD has been secretly running US - DOS (State Dept / Foreign Policy) --since 1964 (LBJ ascends to Oval Office)

HEAR THIS -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLysq3PKcuw

AND THIS -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJmF8ktKGDE

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MEANWHILE... STUNNING REVELATION - A foreign nation has been secretly running the USA's DOD for 30+ yrs. Guess which?
MEANWHILE... STUNNING REVELATION - A foreign nation has been secretly running the USA's DOD for 30+ yrs. Guess which?

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Esteemed and renowned world affairs scholar Jeff Sachs blows the lid off DOD's most wicked secret scandal and reveals that the USA's DOD has been secretly run by satanic psychopath Bibbi Netanyahu (and the Israeli government) for over 30 years.

HEAR THIS START TO FINISH -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyNG7rKsU5I

Anddddd hear this -- https://youtu.be/LFin_si7ZQk?t=121

(During the above interview JEFF SACHS reveals--)--The smoking gun for ironclad proof of our headline is that THE LIST of target nations to enact hostile takeovers upon, THE FAMOUS LIST Wes Clark revealed, was created and delivered to the DOD (and PNAC) by Bibi Satanyahu. Duh?!

https://youtu.be/gPwqDGnTMuc?t=506 (one correction tho, 9/11/01 was a false flag psyop, not Islamist terror... It was staged as a psyop by Mossad, CIA, Mi6)[Al Qaeda / ISIS are and always have been false fronts of Mossad/CIA, a controlled opposition.]

Also think about this... WHY were the two locations of targeting for the 9/11 false flag (psyop) terror attacks--- Chosen to be the WTC and the DOD's Pentagon. BECAUSE the NWO-Zio Deep State had total control of both locations. DOD's Pentagon and Rockefeller's WTC... Duh! -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXYswf3lzU8 -- So many deeply unsettling facts in plain sight, if one can see them-and connect the dots.



And with DJT's excruciatingly, saturatedly, rabidly Zionist 2024-2025 cabinet/staff... Basically, he just sold you out, sold out we the people.. by handing over his regime to control by Israel.


He's basically made himself and his administration mere satellites of Bibi and the Israel Zio-regime. So blatantly and unabashedly ... that this is how GOP sycophants now talk... ISRAEL FIRST in every comment about world affairs.


All of this spurs the mind to now wonder... WERE MAJOR '24 DJT-CONTRIBUTIONS from mega-weathy donors actually THEIR GRATUITOUS GENEROSITY, or were the large donations to the Trump 2024 campaign... laundered money? Deriving from what source or sources? From the FedRes (unaccountable) money-printing machine of the Rothschilds of course. Because, remember, ISRAEL is a wholly-owned 'project' of the Rothschild Zio-NWO cartel [FOR WHICH the United Nations was expressly created to launch and sustain].
