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** THE TRUMP RNC SPEECH "" == More grossly immature Ho Hum theater.

By from net, Posted in Top Serious


Can't say we were 'disappointed' with Trump's RNC speech Thursday nite. It was pretty much what we expected. And, frankly, even less. It was rambling, unfocused, sophomoric phrase salad of cartoonish platitudes and promises we certainly know (most of them) won't be kept. -- https://youtu.be/19tQitXvhos?t=236 -- It was totally underwhelming for any discerning intellect. It consisted of two parts. A meandering monologue reiterating the stump speech talking points you've heard almost more often than Pfizer commercials. And that--- was preceded by a ludicrous and grossly immature effort to politically make hay of the fake news staged psyop from Saturday.



LUNTZ -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLOPO0Ulx1k

On the whole, a verbal delivery of naive fantasies aimed at below the IQ of a fifth grader. But that's how low things have become in the state of USA political theater.... NEXT UP? Latest chapter in the Biden (faux) Drama.

You know the phrase .. 'Can hardly wait'...?

Actually, we're in no angst. We can be patient. We can wait. Ho-hum Joe... Ho hum Donald... Ho hum NWO... We're totally underwhelmed. And saddened. This all seems so surreal. Like a bad drug trip. Like a 'last cocktail party' on the Titanic. People blissfully cheerful while a bad future is --just up ahead.



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