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Biden interview with Lester Holt -- insufferable cuckoo meandering blather, and scads of lies

By from net, Posted in Top Serious


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O'Reilly -- https://youtu.be/uqD7dq98g-8?t=72

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At the moment, it would seem-- THE NWO PLAN for the faux "election" is to LET Trump take the WH, but rig congressional elections and make both congressional chambers BLUE. -- https://youtu.be/rLOqY5CvyrA?t=96 -- (listen to at leas 3:05 inward)... A SPLIT RESULT.. That way frustrated and angry citizens think they achieved something with DJT in the WH. But congress will block almost every move DJT tries to make, and he will get next to nothing... accomplished.. It would seem THAT is the NWO plan as of the current moment.
