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CBS NEWS top honcho gets fired for -- well, basically for being an unconscienable idiot

By from net, Posted in Top Serious


Comment: HAVE YOU YET NOTICED? Today, currently nationwide, at all levels there are WAYYYYYYYYY too many WOMEN --suddenly-- in the news biz. This is not a sexist comment; it's an observation of an objective fact. What on earth is the deal with estrogen-izing the NEWS realm, which traditionally has been a raw, rough, and tumble gumshoe-hardened man's world? Our point is that this is no accident and nor some diversity progress for social evolution. It is a plan by the Zio-NWO-illuminati to make news about ideology and feelings, no longer hard-boiled, about facts. AND THIS STORY ABOVE about the CBS goon just tossed out, is a perfect illustration of what we're saying. The news business has been turned into an estrogen-laden cruise ship that is soon going to hit a titanic iceberg, because too many women have been injected into the news world too rapidly, and instead of assimilating into the work culture and internalizing the historical tenets of the business, they have instead womanized the business to its detriment of principles and standards. And again, that's not sexism. It's not anti-women. It's an observational statement of the fact of what aggressive DEI has done to the entire news world ---that's resultantly deleterious.

Ms. Herridge IS a sterling professional who HAD internalized the standards of the news biz. Her boss was an idiot who had not.


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