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PROOF POSITIVE -- DC gov't is under complete control by NWO -- Nuland + (PNAC boss) hubby Robert (Kagan) run US foreign policy AND the Congress

By from net, Posted in Politics / World


Her nutso "offering" was like saying-- give me your entire wardrobe -and I'll give you a pack of BeechNut gum. Typical zio arrogance.

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BTW - Our strong suspicion is that the Zionist-NWO exec VICTORIA NULAND and hubby (pnac's) ROBERT KAGAN are running the open border project, just as they definitely running the UKR war, and the military operation deploying the covid poison JAB. And- the sanctions to cause inflation.

It's all her. She is the NWO exec running politics in the USA. Which includes lockstep control of both parties in Congress [thru AIPAC] to keep the money flowing to UKR (of course a lot of it simply being laundered and returned to corrupt hands in the USA)....

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"must hear' video. Astoundingly prophetic
