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It's very clear now to see... MSM's basic purpose is to BUILD EMO CONSENSUS around "superficially trendy" talking points

By from net, Posted in News Media



Yet the fact is, THIS STORY is way way way less important in the scheme of things than many other much more serious topics out in the air. Just scroll down our home page and second page. How many news items do you see much much more important for the public than the docu thing? Right, NUMEROUS ones. Yet the docu thing is taking almost all the oxygen in the room for MSM --as it rolls this topic into a bigger and bigger ball of silly putty. This is why you should eschew MSM and focus on indy media.


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WH PRESS ROOM... the documents blab blah blah

begin at 12;38 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pycEA6wqYnE&list=PLlTLHnxSVuIx6s147aZTXWGOYjeDhFaMa

And OH GOODNESSS it's just inescapable to notice what an absolutely feckless PRESSER BOSS goofy KJP is... Oh goodness. Such an amateur.

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begin at 2:05 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQamGYpCUhY