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By from net, Posted in Gossip (only the worthwhile best)



Our Prediction is.... both Amy and TJ get either a full and final -- BUH BYE.... orrr... a Brian Williams deal (suspended without pay, for a protracted spate of months. during which the network keeps polling about image, and decides near the end of the suspension whether the talent is wanted back or not. If not, then payout to leave).

My prediction is... They're not coming back to air.

If we were on the committee at ABC working to decide this, we would vote for final BUH BYE. Because the deal NBC gave Williams was ludicrous. He was too tarnished to come back to main network NBC NIGHTLY NEWS, so they put him in the garbage heap MSNBC (a true garbage heap if there ever was a news channel garbage heap to be more garbage than CNN)... And they paid Brian much much much too much for his subsequent air work -at MSNBC. So we've long held a theory, BRIAN HAD SOMETHING ON THE NETWORK. Some way to expose something horrid the network once or more than once did, and they did not want him tempted to do a tell all- if they booted him before it was financially comfortable for him to retire. Frankly we're surprised ANYONE AT ALL -- EVER watched his 'Eleventh Hour' show at msnbc. Why would you ever watch that guy on a news show ever again? But plenty of Americans are fools.

Anyway... Back to Amy and TJ...

In our estimation both are toast when it comes to being credible on-air news anchors anymore, or even correspondents in the field doing wrap-arounds. All you are gonna think of each time you see them, is their affair. It's like they have crafted a real life version of the [legendary] TV soap opera PEYTON PLACE.

Both of them might as well start hanging out with Matt Lauer and drinking pitchers of beer all day because their public images are shot.

If anyone at ABC does not think that way at this time, their thinking is goofy. Putting either one of these two back on the air in any capacity at all, would be like Bob Iger putting a bumper sticker on his car saying.... I MAKE THE TOUGH CALLS... BADLY

= = = =

The humor note of the day from the link content above is.. AMY quipping to paparazzi outside her residence -- GET A LIFE.

Any one of them could have readily quipped back to her... GET SOME JUDGMENT AND COMMON SENSE.

= = = =


** LOOK AT THIS ** = = == news from ABC


Soooo racist. No kidding. Why they gotta replace a black guy with a black guy? How about an Asian. A White. A Latino? A transgender covered with creepy body ink and wearing a pink wig. Ghizzy Maxwell on work release from prison?

OOOH SHAME ON YOU ABC... Caught with your feigned objectivity down around your kneecaps

BTW, this is how Amy and TJ smugly laughed off their controversy during the last day they were on air (a week ago Friday).


(We didn't happen to watch that show but wonder if they also had a few snickers about election fraud/twitter censorship, 5G radiation, big pharma crimes, Biden getting an international arms dealer released from jail, satanic inflation, and the wicked Nato Proxy War in UKR?... Just wondering)....
