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FNC (fox news channel)... is putting us to sleep

By from net, Posted in News Media

With it's endless endless endless rehashing of rehashing -of what was rehashed -all last week. And which was not significantly NEW to begin with. FNC is ever more each day becoming a can of corned-crickets hash. Er, excuse us... that should be ... Corned-Crickets RE-Hash.

Maybe Suzanne Scott (not a journo) isn't the one programming FNC. Maybe it's the ghost of Top 40 radio mogul Rick Sklar. Who btw turned Top 40 --into Top 18.


Lately... FNC is toothless and BORING...

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Keep it up FNC...


And you're gonna put Sominex out of business.

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FNC should take a lesson from their former top talent -- Bill O'Reilly... Listen to him be so completely on-point in this commentary. Like TOTALLY on point, in plain language:


He's doing this while FNC is rehashing and rehashing and rehashing 'Corned-Crickets Hash' moldy, over-talked, fading political gossip.

WAKE UP FNC. You're NOT serving the public. You're doing RICK SKLAR RADIO... on cable talk TV

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archives: (about Suzanne Scott, who has never been -a journalist) -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSdUiS3xAcA

Did we hear that right? At FNC high paid seasoned talent is under the thumb of lesser paid and way less experienced/seasoned 'PRODUCERS'? Yes. And that's the way it is all thru MSM radio and TV. Way less experienced 'Editors' and 'Producers' superintend seasoned journos. DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? No it makes no sense at all. Which is one of the reasons that folks at DTRI left MSM and started DTRI. Because nothing about how brand name "news" media is constructed and operates, makes sense. And yes, FNC is part of MSM. Just a slightly diff flavor. But FNC is not renegade. FNC never told you mass shootings are psyop hoaxes, or that 9/11 was a false flag staged psyop. Or that covid is NOT an in-the-air virus. Or that the JAB is unsafe and has not undergone sufficient safety testing. If they never told you any of that, the GROUP they belong to categorically is.. MSM. If they don't talk about Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 and don't talk about the Fed Reserve Bank, and don't talk about the Rothschild/Rockefeller/Gates Illuminati Cartel... They are... part of bougie MSM.... Period.