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Katie Phang and Michael Cohen do anti-Trump propaganda rant on the ever fabulous MSNBC

By from net, Posted in Law and Legal Matters


Some interesting points raised though. Worth listening to.

ONE STANDOUT LIE told by Cohen however is that DJT's modus operandi is to know about and control everything that happens on levels beneath him. THE OPPOSITE was true when he as POTUS. And in his final days of term, WH lawyer Pat Cipollone was TOTALLY against Trump and off on his own DeepState highway of subversive movement. And as for staffing in the executive branch, it was all pretty much done (as well as court candidates) by corrupt and devious THINK TANKS. Which is why so many bad apples got jobs. Including Christopher Wray... Who was a referral from two faced fatso Chris Christie. And the referral was voiced because Wray got Christie off the hook for BridgeGate. In other words Wray has no morals. So that was quite a dumb-deed hire, eh?

The degree of Trump being incompetent as a POTUS had a lot to do with the fact, he frequently had no idea what was going on all around him and was often operating in a low information fog. Squawking headlines for sound bites, but having no in-depth knowledge on a subject. And this had VERY MUCH TO DO with him -failing to stop the steal- from fructifying.

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Wow this gal is WOUND UP. She's as Trump-obsessed wound-up as that fattie (Lizzo wannabe) Hallie Jackson. I can't listen to Katie too long though, she's so wound up and obvious. My mind drifts and I tune her words out. My thoughts start going trivial. Like.. Hey she looks a bit like Charmane Star, doesn't she?


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BTW.. People who talk like this here (next), with this much emotional dander about ONE PERSONALITY whom they dislike...


... need a psychiatrist. They have moved from the zone of intense neurosis, to unglued psychois. Get a life... outside of the Trump obsession. Will you?

(But do you see why we said the other day, the left brought TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME back --because THEY NEED IT. Nothing else generates as much blinding, dizzying emotion in lefties. Not even AOC in her tight white dress. Or in some Deepfakes. And listen, when a whole political movement would rather put their attention on ugly weird Donald Trump, instead of AOC Deepfakes... Well they all have a psychological maladjustment problem. Even normal women like AOC deepfakes [Or so we hear. We've never looked at any. We're just making a point] What? NUDE deepfakes?! No no no no no that's not what we mean. WHAT KIND OF DEEPFAKES? The kind where she's been photoshopped into a scene at a Cambridge Union debate, seeming to know what she's talking about)



