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(satire) "RAID" Judge Bruce Reinhardt- WINS! -- Title as MOST GAY LOOKING SEAN PENN IMPERSONATOR

By from net, Posted in Humor

BRUCE -- https://i0.wp.com/cbgist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Bruce-Reinhart-Judge-Wiki-1.jpeg

SEAN -- https://resizing.flixster.com/IiVgB2b55kiZ4qeJAHsePoDqsNQ=/218x280/v2/https://flxt.tmsimg.com/assets/1332_v9_ba.jpg

Now the news...


And btw congratulations JOE ROGAN! For impugning the integrity of creepy Garland and creepy Wray, you are now officially dubbed (by them) as a dangerous anti-government citizenry-supremacist. (But the upside is, being a SUPREMACIST qualifies you to start a cover band specializing in Diana Ross songs)...


= = = =

Okay... (smile) .. We close out this posting item with a special treat from Ana Kasparian and Snoop Dog... 'TOGETHER AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME'


CRAZZZZY notwithstanding, the girl is hot... If Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell were not British-cigarettes, they might wanna pass 'Medicaid for all' hoping to lure her toward RED.

And speaking of MEICAID FOR ALL, was that INLCUDED in the multi gazillion dollar reckless spending bill the Dizzy Dems just passed? ---WHAT? It wasn't? Oh gosh, it just must have slipped somebody's mind. Because you KNOW how much the Dems caaaare for PEOPLE! (well, donor-class ppl who drive expensive EV's anyway)....