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(satire) - We'll be the first to suggest, the street of the FBI's HQ in DC should be re-named -- "TERRIBLE PLACE"

By from net, Posted in Humor

And the FBI building postal address can be designated appropriately as


This idiocy of propaganda proclaiming THREATS are all over the nation about the FBI.. Oh come on- please. They are making this freaking nonsense up. LARGE NUMBER OF THREATS is about as real as twitter bot members. As real as the 19 hijackers story. And as real as (he never existed) Adam Lanza. If you can't smell this THREATS narrative as contrived psyop fakery you possibly have long covid and have lost your sense of smell. This is nonsense psyop propaganda to demonize conservatives. Just look at how the fake claim is being packaged with histrionic vague claims, and sonorous big bells and whistles. CLASSIC tell signs of a fake news psyop


begin at 9:12 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ittwtpUwu9w

= = = =

READ THIS -- important

