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Pardon us for opining but WE SPECULATE that the Dominion lawsuits are possibly part of an NWO conspiracy...

By from net, Posted in News Media

.. to intimidate conservative news networks OUT OF further investigating and reporting on election frauds.. UNTIL the suits are concluded, which will not be till way past the 2022 election. Smell a rat here?


Plus the damages they seek are absurd because we doubt they lost even one client since 2020.


WE ARE SPECULATING that the Dominion lawsuits are tied in with the DeepState operatives behind running the JAN 6th SHOW TRIALS, and the intent of both, in tandem, has among it's objectives ---to DEFACTO put conservative news networks OUT OF BUSINESS. Which has effectively been done (at least temporarily) because due to the FEARS in the networks that reporting on election fraud issues will hurt them in this legal contention, the conservative news networks have self-censored AGAINST discussing the expose docu called 2000 MULES (excepting for oann which has mentioned it once that we know of but not repeatedly).





Why Does Fox News Refuse to Mention "2000 Mules"? [It's talent on air is BANNED by execs from mentioning the docu]

watch this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxdV586dey8

[DTRI Editor's note -- Commenting upon esteemed Dinesh's theory, we do say we have a slightly different theory. -- https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=194 -- Rupert Murdoch's so called CONSERVATIVE MEDIA has always been 'limited hangout' media. Rupert, son of a Jewish (Zio?) mom, has long held back all his journos from boldly exposing the REAL enemies of all that's right, good and sane: THE ZIO-NWO Rothschild/Rockefeller Banking Cartel (which runs the world's Central Banking Systems, The UN+WHO, The CFR, the WEF, The Trilateral Commish, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group and sooo much more). His journos have never been allowed to talk Georgia Guidestones, the NWO World Takeover plan, One World Government agenda, etc. WE THEORIZE at this time --that the Murdoch Empire (including Fox News, NY Post, WSJ) has for many many years been a pretend "good guy group" just rounding up believers in it's pretense of conservatism. But once the NWO decided to go in for the kill, rig 2020 and move to destroy the GOP, Murdoch was given NWO marching orders -and he's just following them. -- https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=1546 -- We don't think it's 'personal' to suppress 2000 MULES.... We think it's business... NWO BUSINESS... https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=1543]

[Dick Morris says: Rupert Murdoch's media empire is only hurting itself, not Donald Trump, by denouncing DJT in the wake of the Jan. 6 show trial. "I think that the Murdoch policy, which is making Fox flip and turn on a dime, is going to really hurt them."]

It seems to us like THE DOMINION VOTE COUNTING SERVER COMPANY's lawsuits against 3 news channels over the 2020 election, are possibly massive and heinous conspiracy. Get this: the COURT TRIAL action has been "scheduled" for (take a deep breath)... 2023! More than 3 years after the fact. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Meanwhile, the networks are [seemingly, ostensibly] 'afraid' to discuss ANYTHING about election fraud because they are intimated by the size of the lawsuits. Which means they won't give good coverage (for some ANY coverage) to the stunning revelations contained in 2000 MULES. Which are all based on solid irrefutable evidence. So we suspect the LAWSUITS are basically a DeepState conspiracy to censor the networks on this coverage, right thru and beyond the moments of the 2022 election. If that's not a clear indication the DeepState plans to steal the 2022 election, tell us what is.

Plus the NWO is rebooting the covid psyop narrative, TO ENABLE mail-in voting once again, and thus the NWO will AGAIN steal an election with the 2000 MULES methodology.


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And btw do you remember a similar drama of NEWS EXECUTIVES censoring truth reporting due to fear of lawsuit damage?

The story of the (tobacco industry) "INSIDER"


'The Rules Had Changed'


begin at 1:40 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK1fpSz_iBg


Jeffrey Wigand: The big tobacco whistleblower [focus report]




One more clip


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2020 US presidential election

Following the 2020 United States presidential election, Donald Trump, his attorneys, and various news and activist personalities reported on evidence indicating that Dominion Voting Systems had been compromised, resulting in millions of votes intended for Trump either being deleted or going to rival Joe Biden.

[[WE KNOW this is factual because we SAW on TV on a CNN FEED, totals being CHANGED during Dominion updates, IN REAL TIME election nite.]]

Trump's attorney made several assertions about Dominion, including that its voting machines used software developed by a competitor, Smartmatic, which he claimed actually owned Dominion, and which he said was founded by the former socialist Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez. Giuliani also asserted that Dominion voting machines sent their voting data to Smartmatic at foreign locations.

Dennis Montgomery, a software designer, asserted that a government supercomputer program was used to switch votes from Trump to Biden on voting machines. Trump attorney Sidney Powell promoted the allegations on Lou Dobbs's Fox Business program two days after the election, and again two days later on Maria Bartiromo's program, claiming to have "evidence that that is exactly what happened."

Powell also asserted she had an affidavit from a former Venezuelan military official, a portion of which she posted on Twitter without a name or signature, who asserted that Dominion voting machines would print a paper ballot showing who a voter had selected, but change the vote inside the machine.

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NEWS -- related

Rep. Stefanik: Big Tech, Big Telecom Have Far Too Much Power (excellent interview, do watch)


House Republicans Propose Political Bias Emails Act To Counter Big Tech Censorship. Big Tech is increasingly making it impossible for conservative politicians to communicate with their constituents and in response Republicans have introduced the "Political Bias Emails Act".


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** GONZALO LIRA -- Total ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IN AMERICA is happening this year **

must hear - https://www.bitchute.com/video/KUMfTH5O8FwP/

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