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TV RATINGS prove Jan 6 "hearing" was a flop for changing minds, reaching new ppl

By from net, Posted in Entertainment / TV

Ratings prove it was a pyrrhic exercise which amounted to PREACHING FOR THE INDOCTRINATED.

The show-trial "hearing" was an absolute bore. Provided no new information. Allowed no questioning or expression of differing points of view. The entire thing was a choreographed "PROPAGANDO-MERCIAL". No key questions were raised nor answered, e.g. with the FBI and the Pentagon warning well in advance that huge crowds were anticipated and some violence might result. Why was it not "all hands on deck" for the outmanned Capitol Police and why were National Guard troops not called in as Trump and the generals recommended? You know the answer. The DeepState staged "riot" psyop for political purposes. If the GOP had any balls, they'd stage counter-"hearings" even if they couldn't do so "officially." And btw YES the election WAS stolen. Watch the docu film '2000 MULES'. It proves the steal and shows the method.

Tucker Carlson -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9KMExbfZH4

Dagen McDowell -- begin at 4:50 --https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dkUY-SMoUU

Georgia political celeb Bob Barr --https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stEoY3hlSt4


No less than 8 (very corrupted) networks aired the snoozefest fiasco. Ratings for the legacy networks show the content DROVE VIEWERS AWAY instead of held or attracted more than usual volume. Any regular show on the legacy networks with the Thursday ratings would have been subject to soon cancellation.

Here's the breakdown -- ABC (which mega hyped the gig) 4.8 mil And that's all ppl, It's not key demos. NBC 3.5 mil. CBS 3.3 mil.. Flop ratings by any standard. CNN 2.6 mil. NOWWWW here's the rating which tells the story. MSNBC the leftie propaganda channel... racked up 4.1 mil...That's four times what the network averages on a typical night. The implication? Viewers for the fiasco of boredom last nite, were primarily, and overwhelmingly, zombie sheeple who long ago drank pitchers of globalist psyop propaganda kool aid (and actually believe Biden won the WH and got 81 mil votes. Ahem..LOL). We're talking obedient fools who believe all psyops, and took multiple poison jabs in the arm. So if the gig was meant to bring new "believers into the fold" (was it that?)... Ratings show it was a major fail. Especially because these ratings only indicate how many BEGAN to watch. But you have to construe that the amount who stayed the course all the way thru this catastrophe of manufactured psyop histrionics, was way less. And do note, it was force feeding. EIGHT networks pre-empted regular programming and force feed the content.


But wait, maybe the DEMS did NOT have aspirations to win over INDYS and GOPers. Maybe their REAL purpose was to keep their hypnotized leftie minions, hypnotized. Maybe this show trial madness is a defensive strategy, born out of fear that retail prices will drive Dems to vote red in November. Hmmm, something to think about.

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begin at 2:00 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1HJOcamvsI


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Dems Launch Propaganda Blitz In Desperate Attempt to Block Truth from Prevailing: Jan 6 Sham Exposed





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Only those who feed on and BELIEVE fake news msm psyop media... don't know JAN 6th "riot" was a PSYOP run by FBI and CIA and CAPITOL POLICE... Nobody was really shot or killed. It was all simulation. CAP POLICE let, coaxed, and ushered ppl innnnn. It was no "insurrection". But you would have had to consume REAL NEWS sources to know that.

People like Geraldo...

[Brian Kilmeade grills the insufferably ignorant (kool aid saturated) Geraldo... And the interview shows that THOSE WHO BELIEVE this psyop nonsense DO BELIEVE THE ABSURDITIES because they feed on and invest credibility into ONLY FAKE NEWS --sources of input. It's that simple. Nuttiness in, nuttiness out.]


And like Bill Maher...


... obviously do not habitually consume REAL NEWS sources and also did not watch "2000 MULES", so they still think a feeble dizzy GUMP/PINK PANTHER - 2000 YEAR OLD MAN who could not attract several dozen ppl to an event, got 81 million votes. Without the election being rigged. Stolen. REALLY???


REAL NEWS versus FAKE NEWS makes all the difference in a mindset
