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Col. Richard Black: -- Unhinged U.S. Gov't is Leading World to Nuclear War

By from net, Posted in Politics / World


Oliver Stone exposes the depraved, evil, sordid, satanic PROPAGANDA re-Ukraine ...that USA and NATO have unleased across the western world

begin at 2::00 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov567pDEMEM

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Ex VP Dick Cheney confirms -- US goal is to break up Russia


Editor's note ...CHENEY is a PNAC guy, Victoria Nuland is also.


Victoria's husband FOUNDED -- PNAC.

We are gonna say out loud what we are honestly wondering right now: Is CHENEY secretly running the Pentagon (while Victoria runs the State Department)?... And as we know, THE PENTAGON is running the Kiev regime and Zelensky, and the UKR military forces.


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