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REVEALED -- China's Capitol City has been assaulted with total populace IMPRISONMENT Shanghai style, over "FAKE" (psyop) Covid surge.. for 4+ weeks !!

By from net, Posted in Politics / World

BULLETIN -- China's Capitol City just inflicted with total IMPRISONMENT Shanghai style, over "FAKE" (psyop) Covid surge .. which is completely a made-up story. Covid is an injected poison, NOT an airborne 'contagious' virus




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22 million innocent ppl just added to the grotesque swath of needless (PSYOP) lockdowns across that so-called 'nation' (now merely a REGION secretly run by the ONE WORLD NWO GOVERNMENT)..


Across China, close to 400 mullion people imprisoned in their homes over a hoax. Meanwhile in USA... it's not a new story. Think on that a moment.

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NOTICE that across all MSM in USA, this BEIJING (major breaking news) story is absent. And instead they are taffy-pulling the FAKE NEWS narrative of Texas School drama. Get the picture? Look over here, believe fake news. Don't look over there at scary REAL news.

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