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"Managed Insanity" prevails in KIEV, the regime which is a puppet vassal for USA/NATO

By from net, Posted in Politics / World


The delusion that Kiev should or could RE-ANNEX Crimea is total insanity. Crimea is Russian ppl and democratically voted to leave UKR and join Russia. This RE-TAKE nonsense is proof that UKR conflict is a USA/NATO triggered mess and NATO/USA have nooo interest in brokering or backing a peace deal... only turning URK into a new SYRA, an extended violent evil mess.

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We've told you for years, and it's so true... AT THE UPPER TIERS OF NATIONAL POLITICS N DC, these horrific politicians in DC are not left versus right, they are in an NWO run "club" together, a UNIPARTY.

begin at 4:25 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCrU9mNlpjU