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How's your "BS" detector? See if you can smell the huge load of BS that this item represents

By from net, Posted in Psysops / Hoaxes / False Flags


The absurdly illegitimate and psycho NWO-Biden Regime has a new fake-warning for those of us who survived the winter of (non-occurring) "severe illness and death"... IT ASSERTS (with no accompanying evidence of any kind) that a 'new wave' of the endless fake-pandemic Covid is coming this fall... Just in time for the midterm elections.

Without offering up any data, a senior Biden Administration official on Friday projected 100 million Americans - or approximately 1/3 of the population - could get infected with Covid this fall/early winter if

(Oh here we go, here's the IF... lol lol)

IF....... Congress doesn't provide more funding for poisonous fake-vaccines to be pushed at the naive dumbed down sheeple public ---as a new round of BOOSTERS (to a fake vaxx which does not work). Duh?!!