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SUSPICION ..... The Interview

By from net, Posted in Commentary

SUSPICION -- covid related disclosure

Interview that was rapidly deleted from the net after being originally posted. Here is a copy of that posting content.... THE INTERVIEW.... The journalist questioner is represented as Q. The anonymous member of the public is represented as A - for ANON.

= = = =

Q= You think you have some info that connects to this WATCH THE WATER expose of covid not being a virus and being spread thru water supplies?

A= Yes, possibly, I think this information MAY connect.

Q= Okay then. Please tell your story.

A= A handful of winters ago. I'm not sure in recollection precisely WHICH winter. Likely the winter of 2015-2016, or winter of 2016-2017. If I had to say which one was more likely, I'd say winter of 2016-2017. I'm very crystal clear on details of the events. I'm just not as crystal clear on which of the winters it was, because after a while, after experiencing the events, and not being able to explain them beyond the weirdness of them, I just let it go. I did not pursue pressing the curiosity. I simply filed it in my memory as very odd and very suspicious.

Q= That's okay. I understand. Please go on.

A= It was pretty cold out. Definite wintry cold. See your breath in the air type cold.

Q= Please state where this was.

A= Midtown Manhattan, New York City. just a few blocks from Grand Central Station, the famous very large train station in Manhattan.

Q= Can you name the exact location?

A= It was on a corner. At an intersection. The key street was Madison Avenue. The cross street was I THINK, 39th Street. Not crystal clear on the cross street. Figure somewhere in the span from 38th thru 40th Streets. I'm wanting to say 39th. Probably Madison at 39th.

Q= That's okay. Keep going. Tell the story.

A= When I say winter, and cold, that means it was probably either December, January or February.

Q= Allright.

A= it was a Saturday night. I was in Manhattan, on my way to meet some friends.

Q= Saturday evening socializing.

A= Yes. It was about 8pm or thereabouts, and I was walking north on Madison, heading to Grand Central to jump on the subway. And at this intersection I come upon a completely strange phenomenon. At the intersection on the cross street, just to the west of Madison, there was a gathering of maybe 15-20 HUGE metal [shiny silver] cannisters. Very tall. Each about 6 feet tall. They were like huge metal tubes, like you would store pressurized gas in or something like that. And they were all in a cluster "ready" for some deployment.

Q= Into a building? On to a construction site? Underground?

A= Clearly underground.

Q= Because?

A= There was no construction site but there WAS a utility company crew set up and working at a manhole on the corner.

Q= On a Saturday nite at 8pm?

A= Yes, that was the first oddity. Why then? WHY not in the daytime. They were not really obstructing any traffic on the side street. Why pay the overtime to do it on a dark cold Saturday nite at 8pm? And I remember distinctly, there was an invisible plastic tent over the manhole, ostensibly due to the cold. But maybe for more than one reason.

Q= How many utility crew workmen were at the corner above ground?

A= Several. Less than ten but several. And there were lights in the manhole. And people above ground talking to men down below under the surface of the street on walkie talkies.

Q= And this all seemed odd to you?

A= Completely odd. It appeared they were installing these huge metal cannisters, long tube like things underground.

Q= For what purpose?

A= Well that's the question. Con Edison, the energy company, pumps anything they pump thru underground pipes. What would you need a bunch of huge tube tanks put underground for?

Q= You found this suspicious?

A= Absolutely.

Q= What did you think?

A= False flag terrorism as a possibility. The government installing some kind of bioweapon chemical gas to release into the environment at a later date. Or to use poisoning the water supply.

Q= Was the utility crew from Con Edison energy company?

A= No, it was from Verizon, the phone company. That's what was extra suspicious. The whole situation just had an aura of suspiciousness about it. So I'm walking further north on Madison a few steps, and I see a concierge fellow in front of a big building and I stop to talk with him. Ask him if this seems odd to him. And he says.. Sure does. ... I asked if they just arrived tonite. He said... No, this has been going on for a few days already. Round the clock. And seems very weird.

Q= And that was the only time you saw this?

A= In Manhattan, yes.

Q= You saw it elsewhere?

A= I put up a Facebook posting about it and asked others if they had the same suspicious reaction. I got back several screen shots emailed to me from people in various North Jersey locations, showing the same thing. In each case Verizon crews.

Q= In each case were the big cannisters present in the photos?

A= No. They were only observed stacked up outside the manhole -in Manhattan. Which does not mean they weren't being put into the underground elsewhere. Maybe in the wee hours.

Q= Understood.... But in each case it was Verizon phone company?

A= Yes correct. And in the Jersey situations, the Verizon crews were heavily guarded by uniformed police officers.

Q= That's weird. For phone company work?

A= Right. So I went over to one of these NJ work sites to check it out with my friend up close. THIS PARTICULAR site was one of four such sites in a row stretched out over less than a quarter mile. Police at every manhole. And here's the thing... These crews had been there for several DAYS and nights -round the clock- already.

Q= For phone work? Repair? What?

A= So we asked them. They said they were running new phone lines.

Q= And it took several days round the clock to do so??

A= Exactly. So suspicious. It's easy to run new phone lines. You just attach a metal snake and snake them thru the route. The idea it would take several days 24/7 to run some new phone lines underground seemed highly suspicious to us. Plus when- in a friendly manner, we questioned the work men about what they were working on, they were very defensive, and cops immediately tried to shoo us away. The guys were very odd in behavior and did not seem to be real phone workers.

Q= Why?

A= Because they didn't seem to know anything about phone and tech stuff, didn't seem to know the jargon about phone tech stuff.... And were very awkward when we were talking with them.

Q= So you and your friend felt suspicious that these crews might be installing something untoward, malevolent, underground.

A= Absolutely. We tried to get answers with phone calls to Verizon, and they just rolled us off.

Q= And that was the end of if?

A= Yeah. After a couple weeks. We just were like --WTF? But I thought, if something weird happens ---then I'll speak up.

Q= And you're speaking up now because?

A= I just viewed the ~WATCH THE WATER~ documentary about covid.

Q= And you think the cannisters you saw might have been related to the covid project?

A= Definitely. If the powers that be were going to spread covid venom poison by way of the water supplies, it would have to be targeted areas and controlled release spurts- so they do not infect too many people all at once.

Q= Understood. So you came forth now to say what you said in case it's of help to investigative journalists.

A= Precisely. And that's it, that's all I've got to share. It's simply intense suspicion, but the info might be of some help to those looking into this covid madness.

Q= Thank you for your time.

A= You're welcome.
