comments and news from net, Posted in Top Wild
GALLERY OF MOOD TITILLATION CANDIES .. Take doses as desired for mood alteration or enhancement
Distraction and trickery --- https://youtu.be/OChoPlfkz1g?t=137
Baby Nicols wiggles her way into our zone of amused viewing -- https://www.youporn.com/watch/15934850/
Amira speaks candidly... but is that real candor, or scripted titillation? -- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/194049/ad
This is an amazingly good and very fun production -- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/178526/que
Addidental hookup -- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/193931/skater
We now return to our late move - 'HOUSE GUEST' - already in progress -- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/178277/kristen
Earlier that same hour -- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/178276/aa
For novelty sake only - jumpt to 26:50 -- https://www.xnxx.com/video-cfojn8b/cu
Low budget setup --but high energy performances -- https://w11.pornhoarder.tv/video/angelika-grays-and-baby-nicols-threesome-in-hotel-with-maximo-garcia/alJkR2VOL2lHUk43QlNGYzJ0ZEpNTXBPa0hka0VKMjVpMHJEUUhSa0s4UT0=
Seemingly she's very genuine and really into this.... Or... Shes fantastically good at theatrical acting. -- https://www.xvideos.com/video.kbuuutd6e45/tu
When there's no good man around to be helpful, latex toys are the compensation of choice -- https://www.xvideos.com/video.otohdtbace5/hime
Making do.. with just two -- https://www.xvideos.com/video.upkbimv0c25/s
Even the lowest budget production -looks good with Bay~Nic in it --- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/194081/hot
These are professional stunt people. Don't try this at home or hotel -- https://www.xvideos.com/video.ukkmvfb1de2/tu
Trio, oh meeyo meighyo -- https://www.xnxx.com/video-18dmo9eb/erotic
Corrupt customs agent makes a deal with smuggler, to let her go -- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/177958/adriana
(to skip the preface jump to 5:14) Private pool party -- https://w11.pornhoarder.tv/video/blacked-kelly-collins-hotel-vixen-season-2-episode-5-pool-pass/anhVQUJmM2J4cEV4bjQzT2prMlQrK1lmcFJDMW1NRU9GNWRIb0tQbG9sND0=
Veronica's pushy - but Abella goes with the flow -- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/179313/vrod
Let's be hoenst, we know that guy is NOT her stepbrother -- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/170286/ad
Crude rude and lewd... [if you're in the mood for that at times] -- https://m.xxxymovies.com/videos/165874/gi
Indulgent -- https://www.xvideos.com/video.uvhfldd461e/tus
Basic rock and ride fun -- https://www.xnxx.com/video-1982mxaf/latin
= = = = =
OH MY GOSH... this is so moving, IN A GOOD WAY..
(you) Dear, tell me more about what you began to say.
(me).... That under the surface I've been rather stressed lately. BECAUSE... the political sphere and the media are MISSING the grave seriousness of this WH plan to get in league with the AI demons. It's very, very serious and wickedly dangerous. And people should be denouncing the plan and shouting it down from the rooftops. But almost everybody knows so little about AI, they don't see the significance of what the Trump team is really doing when they say they want to foster a lot of assistance to the AI industry.
And what IS it really doing?
Promoting an endgame to dissolve all human freedom by setting up an ALL AI-CONTROLLED global society,
So you've been reporting about this danger on your website?
Yes, but not enough other people, other journalists, and other websites are picking up on the story with the same understanding of its importance. The ignorance and naïveté about AI are not just in the general realm of people; this flaw is in the political realm and the news media realm also. I just want you to understand that's what's primarily been stressing me.
(hug.kiss)... Noted and appreciated.
(you) Yesss?
(me) ???
(you/smile) Yesssssss?
Why are you looking at me that way?
What way?
You know... THATTTT WAY.
That gaze.
I'm looking at you THAT WAY because you're stunning. And it's a pleasure to look at you any way under the sun.
Yeah, yeah, yeah (chuckle), but I mean, you're looking at me like you want to say something but are not sure how to put it. Or whether you want to say it.
(thinking)... Well...uh...
Okay, okay, I'll get to it, but first. I want to play for you and have you watch this scene.
(you) Very cute. Cute repartee.
Not to get us sidetracked, but what is the derivation of the word repartee?
It comes from the French word for retort, and means--
I have the meaning, dear; I wanted etiology. And thank you for that.
(chuckle) Does the word intrigue you?
The SOUND of it does. REPARTEE... Sounds like it means two people who snuck off from the crowd at a cocktail party, snuck into the den, and are sitting on a couch making out. REPARTEE.
(chuckle) Well, sorry to tell you, there's no way you can stretch its meaning to mean that. It means what it means.
Okay, back to topic, what were we talking about?
(smile) Before that?
I was asking what you want to say to me.
Oh yes... which is why I chose to play that video scene for you.
Go ahead, explain.
The genius of that movie script and the interplay between the two lead characters is that OFTEN in the story, the WALTER character (Cary Grant) said to her what he wanted to convey to her, by the DANCE of his combined staccato pace of talking, of movements, and with the emo tone of his speaking. Versus his exact words spoken per se. Those three factors led to it being was dancing around her, and it was the DANCE that was conveying something to her, not the words he was saying from moment to moment.
(smile) And what was he conveying to her, expressing to her through this DANCE?
He was saying... Hildy, you're amazing. I've never met another woman like you. I was doing everything I could to blunt your initiative to divorce me. I was beside myself that you went through with it anyway. I'm ecstatic that you walked back into the newspaper to see me today. And don't want you to talk away from me. Don't you see how much I really adore you and think the world of you?
He was saying all that with his motions and emotions?
Exactly, wasn't that obvious?
And what does all that have to do with what you want to say to me tonight?
(smile) I'm trying to explain my dance around you for the past nearly two days. It's a very different 'dance' than in the movie, but a dance nevertheless.
Help me out here. What have you been meaning to say?
That there's so much on my mind and in my emotions in recent days I don't know where to begin to try and share it with you. Or how much to share.
So it's NOT that you want me to come back to the MORNING POST and resume my job as star reporter?
LOL LOL, touche.
Well, let me help you here. What do you think I will be most interested in hearing you talk about?
The mystery of meteorologists and thier precision accuracy
LOL, and contrastingly what do you think is the MOST IMPORTANT thing on your mind, that I might be well advised to know.
Facts of the AI scandal. -- https://daretoreadit.com/71111
Wow, those are quite different topics. What's in between?
Hallmark movie facts and the fact of too much mass media in today's world.
Wow. Okay, I get it that you may be flustered in trying to decide on a conversational opener tonite. Maybe we should just forget real life and go into the characters of Walter and Hildy and do a fantasy scene as them.
LOL LOL LOL, that's a cute idea. Let's do that for a moment or two.
(you) Okay, here's how we set it up. We're IN the movie's story characters. But this is the modern day, not 1940. It's after you thwarted my thing with Bruce Baldwin, and you and I are back together as a couple. I'm back on the POST staff as your star reporter. And we are out to dinner. TONITE..... Start there. What's our dinner conversation?
= = = =
Hildy= What's bugging you? You're all preoccupied.
Walter= Oh gosh, I don't know if I want to spoil our dinner conversation by talking about it.
We're newspaper people. The news biz never sleeps. If I didn't want to know what's on your mind, I wouldn't have asked.
Alright, you did ask. You did ask for it. Here we go... So this Trump administration is alreadyvery evil. I can see it's way worse evil than I even thought it might be.
You anticipated it would be evil?
Absolutely. The amount of non-evil people in Washington is so few you could count them on two hands.
But you were so virulently against the Kamala Harris bid for the WH.
Because the amount of evil THERE was huge and glaring. But that doesn't mean I expected Trump and the company to be good. I just thought maybe a bit less evil. But it is now obvious to me, they are going to be equally evil or worse. Just in different ways.
So there's a scam game behind this DOGE efficiency blitzkrieg?
Of course, and a bad one. Too much to fill you in about all at once, but just as a broad-stroke remark, it is hardly what it seems. AND it is also a big distraction from the VERY evil stuff the regime is doing simultaneously.
Which is?
Planning to get the government FORMALLY involved with big business through a SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND, and the move to get the government to help boost and accelerate the AI industry. AI is hugely, hugely, HUGELY dangerous and should be dramatically slowed down, not sped up. Also, the Trump regime is NOT Trump. He's not acting as the real POTUS. He's just a figurehead, a hood ornament. The "presidency' is being run as a troika by Jared Kushner, Peter Thiel, and Elon Musk. Unlected, arrogant, malevolent, billionaire-broligarch, thieving, deceiving, power-obsessed, demonic, immoral technocrats.
Well, you got a lot off your mind there..... How's the roast beef?
(smile) Excellent. How's your salmon?
Excellent. Now what about the other topics that were on your mind today?
(me) ... Smooth ....
(you) ???
Before you even ask, I'm telling how my day was. It can be summed up in a one-word descriptive... It was smooth.
(chuckle)... What?
Everything went smoothly.
I mean, that's not an earth-shattering thing, but how many times in a year does everything in your day go smoothly? And think about it: it's significant if your day involves going out of the house and doing stuff in the outside world.
Okay, yeah, I get it.
Like you have a long TO DO list, go through it breezily, and everything you address, everything you get on to and do, goes smoothly... How often does that happen?
Yeah, right, I follow (smile).
Like I say, it is not earth-shattering, but it is kind of a novelty and something pleasantly gratifying. Not gratifying so much on the matter of competence. But more on the fact that one was lucky enough, just fortunate enough, to have everything fall into place like it was a well-done Pixar animation.
That's cool, right?
LOL, yes. Totally understand. And especially on a Monday.
Right?! Exactly. And with all that said, I must comment that I sincerely hope YOUR DAY was at least quite good, and maybe even also... Smooth.
(smile) Well, what a generous wish extended. (chuckle).. That you care enough to wish the very best, because that is a really nice wish. Wishing a SMOOTH DAY.
Because think about it--- a smooth day, is usually only something depicted in movies.
(chuckle) Yeah, like HALLMARK MOVIES.
Right, exactly. Which are scripted precisely to give the viewer a feeling that smoothness can be achieved in life.
Well, if you believe their scripted fairy tales, ONLY if you go home to Alabama and visit your hometown at Christmas.
LOL LOL, yeah.
So you're ending the day in a pretty relaxed mood?
Yeah (hug/smile/kiss), I am. Thanks to a day that was a gift of ease and smoothness.
Without an obtuse trip to Alabama to achieve it.
Right (smile/hug/kisssss)
Sharon and two female friends are sitting at a table, having drinks and talking. Her friend Carol taps her on the shoulder and says... Hey, there's that guy you find interesting, the one we've seen in here before. He just came in a moment ago.
Her other friend at the table Mara, playfully goads her... Now's your chance. Go talk to him. Be brave. He's at the bar alone.
Sharon gets up, smiles at her friends, and slowly walks to the bar. There are a few people at the bar. Plenty of open seats, she sashays up toward the guy and sits two stools away from him. He kind of notices her out of the corner of his eye. She stares at the TV screen behind the bar for a minute. Then leans over toward the man and says...
Excuse me, could you pass the ketchup bottle? It's right there by you.
He looks and notices there is no food plate in front of her. But isn't too curious. Perhaps she ordered food and is anticipating. He says... Sure thing... and passes the bottle to her.
She playfully says... Pardon me, did you say... SURE THING?
He gets the joke. And retorts.... Would you mind giving me the ketchup bottle back? So I can return it to its rightful place.
I'll have to move over and sit next to you to do that. I'm not a boxer. I don't have a 70" reach.
(Smile) if it gets the job done, that's fine.
She slides over toward him, bringing the ketchup bottle with her.... And sustains the banter... What color would you say this is?
If pressed, I'd have to concede it seems to be red.
But a rather dark red.
Not maroon, though. Or cranberry. Just a regular red, but darker.
You're not helping me out here very much. You're supposed to pick up the conversation a bit more.
Yeah, well, I'm off my game today. Had some bad news, just trying to digest it.
Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want me to leave?
No, stay. You're pleasant, and our talk is easy. Let me buy you a shot.
Why a shot?
Well, I presume you ordered a drink when you sat down.
No, I didn't yet, I just asked the bartender your name, and he said Travis. I'm Sharon. Should we shake hands?
(chuckle) Not necessary. The ketchup bottle worked.
Oh, but I want to shake hands ... [they do so] ... If I'm not being too pushy, do you care to tell me the nature of the rough news?
A friend died.
OMG, oh gosh, I'm sorry to hear.
Yeah. It was weird. It's someone I used to be close with during college time. Both I and one of my sisters were very close with them. They and their family lived in the same building as my mother and my two sisters. One summer we all met, made friends, hung out a lot, and grew very close.
But you lost touch with them in recent years?
Exactly. Was just thinking of them this week. So I went on an internet search to see if I could find where they are, find contact info, and get in touch. Instead, their name returned an obit page.
Oh, how awful. When did they pass away?
Life-threatening illness, which took them down.
How so terrible for you to find out that way.
Yeah, definitely. I still haven't told my sister yet. She's traveling; she won't be back to home till late next week. Not going to spoil her trip by telling her before then...
Yes, yes, understood. How are YOU handling the info?
It's very weird. I cried at first for about a full minute. But since then I've just kind of been in shock about it. It's hard to process.
Yeah, when was the last time you saw them?
Oh gosh, several years ago. But one of those people who always has a special place in your heart, you know.
Yes, I do know. I understand. (she touches his forearm)... I don't know what to say.
Yeah, that's fine. You are being a good vibe. I appreciate the conversation.
Would you like to join me and my friends over at the table there? Maybe it will help take your mind off things.
Only if you don't tell them about my rough news.
Of course. We'll just do small talk.
Maybe not a bad idea; maybe that'll be good for me at the moment.
Yeah, sure, come over. I'll tell my friends you're a police detective, and when I tried to steal your bottle of ketchup, things got complicated. But you agreed to let me off with a warning.
LOL, that's excellent. Okay, let's go over.
NEWS INFO -- wowwww!
(me) OMG, you in these gowns, SOOO elegant looking (kisss on your cheek)
(you) Thank you so much... Do me a favor, Hon... Comment on something rather trivial... just for the sake of making conversation.
(me) Why?
I want to see if you will just do it because I asked. Because most men would go-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?-instead of simply doing what was politely asked.
LOL... okay, whatever (thinking).... All right... the topic is THEME MUSIC for TV shows. In today's TV world, it's rarely significant IF EVEN present. But in yesteryear, TV shows aimed to have really catchy theme songs. Take SILK STALKINGS for the example. One of the absolutely BEST theme songs ever, in terms of how it related to the content of the show and hooked you into watching the episode. That opening sequence, the flashy, sexy collage with the fab song beneath it, was such a hook. If that show did NOT have such a great opening and great theme song, it might not have been the mega hit series that it became. -- https://youtu.be/Tiv3ZWac5Nc?t=9
(smile) Thank you Dear...for just doing what I asked.... What did you have for a late lunch today? (obvously a LATE lunch since you recently tend to start your days at noon)...
A cheeseburger with lettuce tomato and onion, plus fries. Ketchup on the burger. Ketchup AND honey mustard on the fries. Delish.
Same deli you usually get your burgers from?
No a different one. But -- all delis in my neighbored make great burgers. I live in a burger-excellent zone
(chuckle) Lucky YOU! ...What great luck.
I'm just a lucky guy.
(you) So Honey, what have you been working on, listening to, learning about in NEWS RESEARCH in recent days?
(me) This.. And please do take the time to listen to the full end -- https://youtu.be/DvCmBOenfsQ?t=132
(you) The FULL end? (smile) Did you just misspeak there, or is there such a thing as full end? Because if so it would also imply there a PARTIAL end.... "Thanks for listening to my monologe folks. That last joke was the end.... Well, partially."
(me) LOL, you're being a mean girl now., Don't be a mean girl on Valentine's Day babe (tickle).. Let's take the affectionate part of Valentine's Day seriously.
(still teasing) You mean, take The FUN PART... SERIOUSLY?
(me) Yes, seriously...
(you/smile) Yesssss?
It's difficult to put into words how delightful it is for me to have a special connection with you--
(teasing) So I'm an electrical switch to you?
(tickle/smile) Seriously... Valentine's Day is a designated day for being expressively uninhibited about showing affection. And it's difficult at a distance. I don't know what gesture might--
--A carload of six million nicely wrapped Belgian chocolates.
LOL, okay, a bit over the top, but yeah, it would make a good point. But at the last minute, I probably couldn't order that.
Okay, Honey, I DO SYMPATHIZE that you, being a wordsmith, would have a tough *time*-- finding words to *rhyme*-- with Valentine.
LOL, what are you-showing me up here? You just found two.
But the thing IS... I think YOU'RE MARVELOUS, TOO MARVELOUS FOR WORDS.. Happy Valentine's Day, my well-kept secret Darling! (warm hug/romantic kisses)(smile/caress of your hand) -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lrPtfcLe9s
Lucy decides to get a job. Ricky thoughtfully offers to make breakfast while she gets ready to go out job hunting.
(me/kisses on your cheek) How was your day, Dear Lady?
(you/smile) Somewhere between uneventful and very eventful. Wish I could tell you more, but we're talking in code.
How about you? How was YOUR day?
Accomplishing. I got a good amount of things done, biz-wise.
(smile) Yessss?
I'm sure you well know that women often accuse men of talking too little when they are with the lady of their life at the end of the day, after work.
Of course. Women often feel like men are not impulsed enough toward emotionally sharing.
But sometimes it's just that the man is meaning to spare the woman-- talking about stuff he thinks will not necessarily be interesting to her.
You mean like discussing rocket science?
(chuckle) Yeah, sorta.
When was the last time you were a man of few words with me because you had too much rocket science on the mind?
LOL, but honestly, you get my drift. Men often think that if it's not fun, women don't want to hear it.
Okay, but that's true and not true. It depends.
Our mood for the moment, and what it is that you can share by talking.
(chuckle) So you expect men to be mind readers?
(giggle) Yes, we do. Haven't you heard?
(smile) Anyway, I can give you an example of something a man might not be inclined to talk with his woman about at the end of the day BECAUSE he thinks it might bore her.
Do tell...
For example, one thing that was on my mind today was AUDIENCE CAPTURE and its negative impact on broadcast journalism. Are you familiar with the term-- AUDIENCE CAPTURE? ---Audience capture is a phenomenon where creators are influenced by their audience's preferences and expectations. Self-reinforcing: Creators are rewarded for telling their audience what they want to hear. Unconscious: People may not be aware that they're being influenced by their audience. Subtle: People may change their identity to fit their audience's expectations. Audience Capture is a self-reinforcing feedback loop that involves telling one's audience what they want to hear... So how is this phenom negatively impacting NEWS transmissions to the public? Well, in the following way. Americans are INCREASINGLY turning away from legacy media and using social media and online media sources to get their daily "news info". This has spurred a profusion of podcasts, which basically splinters the mass public into cohorts of followers to various podcasts, which in and of itself is not a good thing because this promotes an erratically informed large public mass. The culture is turning away from responding to noted town criers-- to fandom on a wide variety of podcasts. Now where this becomes a problem is that... podcasters, once they get traction and can monetize their podcasts, want to keep their audience volume at least steady, hopefully, growing. So they tend to pander to the tastes, values, and expectations of their amassed audience to keep the viewer momentum; hold their audience. WELL this then impedes independence of thought in selecting news info / reporting on news of the nation and the world. Telling the public the news it NEEDS TO KNOW, SHOULD GET TO HEAR, becomes second to GIVING THE AUDIENCE IT WANTS TO HEAR -in order to sustain audience loyalty. In other words, the need to make money because one is running their podcast as a business.... starts to incline the podcaster toward censorship regarding any topics that they feel their regular audience may not want to hear. Even if the topic is important. SELF CENSORSHIP tends to arise in the podcast world once the podcast gains a PARTICULAR MOMENTUM..... FOLLOW WHAT I'M EXPLAINING?
(You/teasing/pretending to be asleep... make a loud sound of snoring)... ZZZzzzzzz
[shared LOL LOL LOL]
Leftie, a former bookmaker who went to federal prison for 4 years (on various charges we won't go into now), is currently trying to stay on the easy side of the law and run a "legit" business. So he opened a private teaching academy.. In Sin City. What kind of education? He teaches you how to navigate your way through Las Vegas without losing your shirt. He educates you on what to do, what not to do. Including how to gamble with common sense. And THAT specific class-- we shall eavesdrop into today.
Leftie says to the class of 6 students...
Leftie= Here's a situation, which I'm going to play all the way through in a video fantasy. The hypothetical situation this video shows you is that a gal living with her boyfriend in London, is a flite attendant. She's about ready to leave the house to go meet her fellow stewardess and good friend for lunch... before they together depart on a charter flight to Europe. Her boyfriend asks how soon she'll return, and she implies it could be a full day or so because the return trip may get delayed. He politely asks for a fuck before she leaves the apartment. In the video, she does him and does him well. But the question now is, WOULD THINGS PLAY OUT THIS WAY in real life? She's all dressed and ready to head out. Would she-- be LIKELY ---or NOT LIKELY ..to bang him quickly to keep her BF happy? Even though it requires about a 30-minute delay to leave the apartment. Because after she fast bangs him, she has to call her friend and indicate a delay, get undressed, shower again, and get redressed. So this is a test of your gambling sensibilities. How likely is she ---to do the sex? ..Versus telling him she can't, it will cost her too much time-- Sorry, she has to go.... How would you bet? Let's watch the video. Then you place your bets in this classroom polling.
Leftie= Okay now students, let's have you weigh in. Do you bet LIKELY, not TOO likely but possible, or NO WAY SHE'S NOT GONNA TAKE THE TIME... We'll go around the room and poll your betting opinions. We'll start with you, Maurice. What do you bet?
Maurice= Get the fuck outta town. No way a woman is going to go through all that hassle versus keeping her boyfriend waiting just a day to get laid. I bet... NO WAY. JOSE
Leftie= Robert?
Robert= Well (chuckle), the girl depicted in this fantasy video is smoking hot and deliciously pretty. In fact, the role is played by siren temptress pornstar--- Lola Reeve. If the true life situation were that the guy is well-to-do, creator of successful video games, and their apartment is swank, and their relationship is going well, and his GF really IS Lola Reeve having retired from porn and now a flight attendant, I'd bet-- absolutley YES. She loves to fuck, plus she loves her guy. She's going to be a girly girl and keep her man happy; shes committed to keep their love like a spark up to a five-star level.
Leftie: Wow, that's a lot of thought put into that. LOL... But what if the gal is NOT an ex-pornstar?
Robert= Well, in that case, unless she needs a green card and he's a UK citizen, she's out the door.
Lefite=... LOL LOL. So I'm going to record your bet as a NO........ Sheryl?
Sheryl= (giggle) I have to echo Maurice's thinking on this. Unless she's an ex-pornstar or green card needy, she's going to sweet-talk him nicely to be patient -and go meet her friend for lunch.
Leftie= Okay then.... Thomas, What say you?
Thomas= There's one other possible cause, which might make her give him action right now. The BF owns a strip club, and there are plenty of other hot-looking women in his purview willing to seduce him for good politics at the workplace. So to keep him from wondering, she takes care of him right now.
Leftie= LOL, I'm going to record that as NOT TOO LIKELY, BUT POSSIBLE... And you-- Susana? What's your take?
Susana= Obviously, I'm going to be the minority opinion here. But look at the size and stiffness of his cock. If I were living with a BF that well-endowed, I'd be willing to table my agenda for a hot smash -anytime, day or night. But hey, that's me; I'm a nympho. If she's not a nympho, she's not going to go through a lot of inconvenience right now. So I have to vote NO.
Leftie= And Darryl.... What say you?
Darryl= What say Me??? Teach, I can't even think straight right now; that video has made me so horny.
Susana= Excuse me Leftie, I need to use the ladies room. Pardon me for a bit. Oh, and Darryl, would you escort me down the hall to the ladies room, just to be sure I'm safe?
Darryl= Allright. Sure.
(You) Soooo, my Darling... What was your day like?
(me) Uneventful.
(playful) How, why?
(responding playfully)... How, why? How does one explain the absence of something? Like if I say... Looking upward, I see that it's a non-moon evening. And you say how, why? And I answer that clouds are obfuscating the moon. I can't see it.
But okay, in that answer you DID provide an explanation of why it is a non-moon night in your example. Can you explain why you had a non-event day?
The word I used was UNEVENTFUL. It's mildly different.
I mean, there were events. I made lunch. The mail got delivered. But on the scale of routineness, they still left the day to be considered-- UNEVENTFUL.
LOL, is this your attempt to make lemonade out of a lemon?
Are you trying to make outra conversation about the day-- humorous even though, at root, there's nothing much for you to give in your answer to the query pf-- HOW WAS YOUR DAY?
I don't think I'm TRYING to be humorous here. It's just coming out of the convo naturally. Spontaneous.
Humor? ...Do you think humor just walked into the room and joined our conversation?
LOL, something like that.
Well, THAT's EVENTFUL, isn't it?
LOL LOL LOL, oh gosh, then I must credit you with turning around my report of my otherwise UNEVENTFUL day.
You're welcome.
How was YOUR day, Luv?
What if I gave the same answer?
You mean ---it was uneventful?
I didn't give an answer yet. I just said~~ what if.
What if you reported your day to be uneventful? I wouldn't care. I Love you either way.
What if over 25 days in a row, my answer to the *How was your day?* query was... "uneventful"....... ?
LOL LOL LOL, well, yeah, it might be a little curious.
That I had a string of 25 sequential, kinda eh, eh, uneventful days?
LOL, yeah, I might wonder what's up with that.
Well, if you did, the answer would be another bland answer, because the answer to what's up with a string of 25 uneventful days would be- rather kinda, nothing. So an uneventful report again on the 25th day, and as for the overall curiosity about why 25 days in a row, that would also be a kind of non-landscape answer.
Ooh, I like that phrase... NON-LANDSCAPE. And you know what it makes me think of?
No, please do tell (chuckle).
It reminds me of this trend of modern-day Western TV shows in hot dry states. You know, like Yellowstone and Landman.
One reason I DON'T GROOVE TOO MUCH WITH SHOWS or MOVIES LIKE THAT IS THE BLAND LANDSCAPES OF ALL THE EXTERIOR SHOTS. Shots showing miles of expanse of just dry beige dirt. In other words, non-landscape backgrounds.
Okayyyy... I get it.
Like so far, I've seen several clips from the LANDMAN series, which had good dialogue, but I have not been tempted to watch a single episode.
So do you dislike all movies and TV shows about the oil biz and oil states?
Sorry, I hit the caps thing accidentally twice.... NO, I don't dislike ALL such fare. I did like the one series that ran briefly on ABC TV back in 2015, I think it was. The Don Johnson series BLOOD AND OIL.
What did you like about it?
Well, for one thing, I don't recall a single NON LANDSCAPE shot. All the exteriors have something more than the expanse of direct in sight. But what I liked about the show (it was a nighttime soap opera) was how over the top the storylines were.
Like really hyperbolic. Very much like the courageousness of the stories on daytime soaps. The pacing of the episodes was good too. Photography very good. AND one extra thing. One good bit of spice. The character of the lead's wife, the wife of the oil tycoon, as played by model/actress Amber Valletta... Was rad sexy. BECAUSE she was way edgy. A gangsta gal in an expensive wardrobe.
How so?
Always ambitious, very cunning, with a mind always working overtime, sly, and calculating. Interesting to watch.
Do you like sexy gangsta girls?
Hmmm, that's an interesting question. And I have a candid answer. I do in theatrical stories on screen, in fictional plots. They make for exciting, interesting characters. BUT IN REAL LIFE, a gangsta girl is tiring.
Tiring? How's that? Wouldn't she keep you on your toes?
Right.. Exactly. She would keep you on your toes 24/7. And that's... tiring.
LOL LOL, you did it.
You turned a convo about your uneventful day-- into a fun chat.
So how about you? How was Y--OUR day?
Probably less bland than yours but yet not.. 4-alarm dramatic.
LOL, what constitutes 4 alarm dramatic?
A typical BAYWATCH episode.
Ah, yes. Got it... By the way, you notice, don't you, that there's now a YouTube channel constantly streaming that classic retro TV series Silk Stalkings? Did you like that show? Do you like that show?
I like the videos of it you select. You select fun ones.
I do still find that series fun, but I have one main beef with it.
What's that?
Why are they homicide detectives? Why do we have to have them investigating deaths? That's not a fun element at all.
What would have been better?
Well, they're based in Palm Beach, FLA. Wouldn't it have been more realistic and more chic to have them investigating robberies? Like jewel thefts and art thefts.
Yes, actually, it would. You have an excellent mind for fiction writing.
I see why you are frustrated in NEWS.
Well, something to share.
In the coming days, I will begin working up a movie script. Start diverting some of my energy away from news and into that.
Good. Happy to hear it. (warm kisssss)... Hey, what's the most exciting meal you had in the past several days?
Oh, easy answer there. It was Monday, midday. I went to the bodega/deli that is the largest in the neighborhood. The guy doing sandwiches and meals at the grill area is an excellent cook. So I asked him to custom-make me a sub on a long roll. And the ingredients would be... Philly cheesesteak, extra cheese. Also add bacon, lettuce, tomato, and onion. Mustard on the roll. And I have to tell you, he cooked it and prepared it so well. Oh my gosh, it was delicious.
Creativity is your nature.
(smile) And yours too. (warm hug/kisssss_
How chic and beautiful do you look in that shades clip!
(smile) I'm a bit tired just now. Ran a pretty long day Monday. However, in a positive mood ("decent+"... lol). Because I got a lot accomplished during the day. I'm a very "set goals/accomplish things" type of personality. So when I meet goals, especially in the time span desired, mood becomes a positive mood (smile)... Hope you had an upbeat day yourself. (hug/kiss)
Hi Hi Hi Dear One (kisssss)
ADVICE -- A subject area to learn about
SO, DAY AFTER THE GAME (which I didn't watch).. Today I hit YouTube to see what the halftime show was like. The key thing that bothered me about Kendrick in the halftime show is that he was trying SO MUCH to be like Frank Sinatra, it seemed like kind of a copycat thing. Great choice by the NFL tho. Very uplifting and sweet set of songs. The stagings with the dancers however, initially made me wonder where's the DEI; I was looking for the fat girls and trannies.
Seems like the NFL knew as much about Kendrick when they hired him, as WNBC knew about Howard Stern when they... hired him in 1984.
Geesh! What planet did I wake up on?
(me) Dear... Has anybody yet commented to you today.. that ... YOU'RE SIMPLY FABULOUS... ?
(you/smile) Well, actually yes. But I do appreciate you being the 38th to do so.
[shared LOL LOL LOL]
(me) Helllo Beautiful Person (warm kisss) Hope you are starting the week in a good mood (smile)
(you/playful) Did you watch the superbowl just to keep up with the world?
LOL LOL, no. Went to bed early, Slept thru it.
Such an iconoclast!
(smile) Love and good cheer, from here, Darling (hug)
... That hot young male professor who just began teaching at her college this semester. And she's hardly the only one with such a desire. Girls are flirting with him unabashedly every day... Tracy decides to up the game. She shows up at his apartment one day at 7pm, unannounced. And the moment he opens the door, she waltzes in... He just moved in 10 days ago, and it's sparse, but no matter. There's a couch, and she can use it to work her magic. She grins and purrs... Hi, Professor Clark. I have something I'd like to show you, which has nothing to do with college education. Only with education between consenting adults... in the adult world.
When Baby and her bf Max invited Baby's friend Stacy to spend the weekend partying with them in Atlantic City... initially, Stacy said... Oh gosh, thank you, but no. I don't want to be a third wheel. You two go and have a good time. I'll be all right.
You see, they'd invited Stacy because she recently went through a bad breakup and was spending a lot of nights home brooding. They thought a holiday with them would do her good. So they told her their motive behind the invitation. After listening, she came around and agreed. They'd get adjacent rooms and have some fun for the weekend in AC.
Just one other thing to note, though. Stacy is a somnambulist, a sleepwalker. And you know what they say about sleepwalkers... DON'T WAKE THEM UP while they are sleepwalking. It could be seriously traumatizing for them. So whatever they are doing while sleepwalking, just humor them. Go along with it. Let it play out.
So when Stacy knocked on their suite door at 8am Saturday morning, standing there only in lingerie, they had a sure sense she was sleepwalking.. They let her in. And Stacy proceeded to say---- You are my best friends. I love you both so much! I think all three of us should make love together -right now...... Baby and Max looked at each other and shrugged. Gotta go along with it!-- for Stacy's emotional well-being.
begin at 3:06 -- https://spankbang.com/6rzo3/video/whiteboxxx+stacy+cruz+and+baby+nicols+big+tits
Angela works for a drug dealer as a delivery driver. Within that operation, the drivers SWITCH CARS once every week-for security reasons (all the cars used are stolen... then abandoned on some wayward side street after a week's usage)... The level of car a driver gets has to do with how long they have worked for the drug dealer. Angela is fairly new, so she doesn't 'qualify' for one of the top cars off the lot. But she likes sports cars, fast cars, 'muscle cars' and wants to get one. She smiles and verbally cajoles the lot manager, but he's not easily charmed. Yet she's heard about him and knows-- he CAN be persuaded. And she knows what the currency is. He likes hot ass.... She.. decides she wants the sports car badly enough, to make the deal. Proving, btw, that this gal has upwardly mobile advancement potential within this crime cartel... in that she's willing to do WHATEVER -to seize opportunities. At the same time, let's note, so is the lot manager (lol)... Oh, and lucky for Anglea, this guy actually turns out to be an excllent, hot fuck. Probably because.. he's had a bit of experience at this... eh?
... That 2 months ago Lauren decided to become a webcam girl. Is this adventure working out for her? Is she making big money with it? Take a look at some of her work- and see what you'd guess on that question.
begin at 3:30 -- https://www.xvideos.com/video.itfvekf5fed/twistys_-_lauren_clare_starring_at_light_my_fire
She said to him with a smile... ARE YOU-- willing to play with us?
He chuckled.... Well, probably, but you are wearing a sly grin. Exactly what kind of play are we talking about?
She smiled once more... Fetish play. We control; you accept. Are you game? Do you trust us?
She was having a drink at the bar with a female friend. He came by, leaned in to her ear, and whispered... You are gorgeous. I'd love to fuck you on the deck of my yacht in the hot noon day sun. She slapped his face, and he walked away smiling. Her friend asked what just happened, and Alexa explained.
A day later Alexa saw the same man on the boardwalk and decided to confront him... She boldly went up to him and said... I just want to tell you straight off-- You're a rude, crude, fucking pig.
He smiled again... Over what I said to you yesterday?
So you think I was crass and rude?
All right then, I apologize. And let me rephrase.. Dear hottie, pretty please with a cherry on top, will you take a boat ride with me tomorrow and let me fuck you passionatley on my boat deck in the noonday sun?
She couldn't help laughing now, because this guy was indeed funny. To be humorous, she clapped back at him, saying, Shall I meet you at the dock at 11 am then?
That would be fine. (He grinned). And please don't stand me up. I get my feelings hurt easily.
She walked away. And thought about that exchange all afternoon... This guy really IS funny, she thought..... Anddd she decided to meet him at the dock the next day as discussed. It was a bit of a windy day the next day, but the bright sun was hot enough to offset that. Things worked out, and the two of them had lustful fun.
But those secret monthly trysts with Rocco.. give her extra spice
There's no doubt about it, naivete was still a part of Snow White's personality as the calendar flipped and she turned age 20. Long before her adventure in the woods and meeting the 7 dwarfs, her naivete led her into a separate adventure in sunny San Diego. She was at the beach one day, and a handsome young man approached her. He said he was a massage therapist, he liked her look, and he'd love to give her a free massage tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon, outdoors.
Oh, how sweet! ... she thought... That sounds like fun.
When she met up with him the next day, he told her to get naked. She complied. He began the massage but soon proceeded to lick and play with-- her clit. Wow, she didn't see that coming! ...But it felt very good, so she went with it. And where it went --was a hot spontaneous sexual tryst between them.
That evening when she told her friend Donna about the experience, she commented... He really was a nice man. Unselfish. Very giving.
(me) Oh yeah.... THERE IT IS. That's the groove, that's the energy, that's the vibe I needed to fully shake off the work week and emotionally refresh- https://youtu.be/mcZ8edoG0OU?t=44. -- Let's do another one too-FRIDAY NIGHT refresh music.... (smile/warm kiss)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_x7TZy1nQw .... So, if we were together in person this evening in this NYC metro, I would call for a car and whisk us into Manhattan to a lounge to dance a bit and chill a bit. A lounge I used to like to go to when I lived in Manhattan was a place called LIQUIDS in the East Village. I just looked on Google, and it seems like maybe it's no longer there because the last entry about it was several years previous. But it was a great spot. Very artistic ambiance with velvet couches and chic modern art paintings on the wall. Dim lighting with an lotta green/aqua tone in the dim and indirect lighting. Amazing music. Some club-dance, and a lot of deep house. And a truly relaxed vibe. You could get up and dance to the music if you wished, or just sit on the couches and talk, or space out to the tunes, or even be romantic and makeout. Great spot. And great beverages too. A lot of creative mixed cocktails,
(you) How many years overall did you live in Manhattan?
(me) Ten, and mostly loved it in the era when I was there. Nightlife was fabulous. So many good places to go. So many good restaurants to enjoy too. And it was a prosperous era in NYC and in the nation economically. Money was flowing. People had money and spent money. Things were upbeat. Not tense. People were having fun. NYC was about having fun. It was a happy place then. It's a weird place now (smile). But when I lived there, NYC had its groove on. It was festive and fun (hug/kiss on your cheek)... I had a rough, grueling week because of some days in a row of a breaking news frenzy that was crazy nuts. But that's over. Weekend unwind is onnnnnn! (smile). Hope you had a less tense and more upbeat week than me (smile). But like I said, that's over, and I'm in full RELAX GEAR NOW. (hug/warm kisss)....
Ooooh HONEY... I luv these video clips. Sooo chicly Sexy. Stunning outfit. Sleek look.
(you/playful) Making you hungry?
LOL LOL, Yesssss! (hug/kissss)
(me) So how's this for LAAATE nite? It's almost dawn (smile).
(You) Where've you been?
In bed. I was nodding out at my desk. Had to jump onto the bed and get some Zzzz's.
Why so tired?
Lotta breaking news the last couple of days. Had to cover in real time AND do follow-up. Threw my sleep cycle off.
Well, aren't you sweet to come to me the moment you woke up? That's romantic loyalty (warm kisses). Are you groggy still?
A bit.
Will you lend me six million Turkish lira?
How much is that in dollars?
I don't know myself. That's the fun of the question. Just say yes. It's probably the price of a box of cereal.
I haven't bought cereal recently. With the ever feverish inflation, it's probably 20 bucks.
LOL, so you'd readily lend me 20 bucks. So just say yes.
Okay, yes.
Great, next question: Are you STILL a bit groggy?
Well (chuckle), yes.
Promise me a day date where we'll do anything I ask for.
LOL LOL, you didn't need to have me groggy to grant that request. I'd grant it with full clarity. It's a romantic request.
See how simpatico we are. Grogged or lucid, we agree just fine.
LOL, now let's look up 6 million Turkish lira (hits Google)... Hey, guess what? -- It's not the price of cereal.
What is it?
167,200.78 United States Dollars
LOL LOL LOL, well, aren't you just the best paramour ever?
[shared LOL LOL LOL]
(me) I guess.
What do you mean, YOU GUESS?
Well, I can't be sure of anything at the moment; I'm still groggy.
LOL LOL, you're sure that you adore me, aren't you?
Yeah, I'm sure of that.
So when I take you to debtors court for reneging on the loan, you can't plead grogginess.
Debtors court? LOL LOL. How did I get to that?
From liking my kisses.
LOL LOL LOL, have I told you lately how fun and enchanting you are?
Fun AND enchanting in the same sentence? Let me think. Maybe not in the same sentence all that recently. Hey, a question...
What if we were together now, in bed, and it's nearly 5am. What would we be doing?
Well, talking obviously.
What else?
I'd have you deliciously naked and be kissing you everywhere.
Ooooh, that's nice. So forget the Turkish lira loan and keep doing that.
(shared chuckle/shared kisssss)
"The Two-Tiered Society"
https://youtu.be/_um0jiAJzXE?t=207 -- listen till at least 11min inward
Very important NEWS INFO -- Hear these convos
Hello Sweetness. Good day Good day!... It's back to severe cold over here in NYC metro. Current temp is 29, three degrees beflow the frezing mark.
(you/smile) Talk to me, Lancelot. What's new?
(me) I'M DONE!
I've finally FULLY completed a stretched-out project.
That long memo treatise I wrote about the dangers of AI and Digital ID? --- https://www.daretoreadit.com/71111 -- Initially that project was supposed to be completed two weeks ago. However, I chose to update the page several times. And chose to add numerous other people to the circulation list. So it has been longer --as an ongoing project--- right through to today.
And you're now DONE with it --based on what criteria?
The roster of people on the circulation list was expanded to a point where logic said... That's enough. My internal analysis was... That's enough, so full stop.
What about updating the page further?
Not likely, but it could happen. Depending on what may occur on the "news" horizon.
And so now?
Less pressure on my mind, less pressure also for overwork hours. Can downshift to a more normal work schedule.
Good. (playful smile) So...... More sweet talk for me!
(tickle) Yesss. (romantic hug/warm kisses) -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lrPtfcLe9s
BTW, this video next here should easily show you WHY my original impulse in media was to be an on-air radio DJ (which I did do very successfully). With music on the radio, one can connect in a good way with people... Put them in a good mood through the vibes of the music you play.... And also through the things you say.
= = = =
This is a humorous NOT COMPATIBLE tv dating episode... but interesting for a few reasons... Wanda was a bit reactive, entitled, eccentric, self-centered, and judgmental. But she had a pretty face, was cute. If she calmed down and was less judgmental, she could hold a guy. Justin, although unpretentious and candid, was also a bit too into himself, too reactive and judgmental. He was quick to judge her on the phone call and really did not give things a chance. Who cares if she doesn't like sports? She's a hot young gal. And he can be forgiven for not phoning her to say he was being delayed because they did not have cellphones in common use in 1989. However, he cannot be forgiven for being insulting and rude. Making a remark that she's not as attractive as she considers herself. That was disgusting... So what this TV show segment revealed is that neither was ready to be good in a dating romance. And both were too self-centered, self-satisfied, and lacking in empathy... I mean, really, an amateur burlesque show on a first date?
= = = = =
(You) Soooo, my darling... did you watch the Grammys?
(me) No.
No interest. The state of pop music is so trashy. It's like the Oscars. The quality of Hollywood filmmaking is so trashy. What does it mean to win a popularity contest among trashy films or among trashy pop music?
(smile) So you were a Bah Humbug about the Grammys?
Not hostile. Just not interested. But just for humor's sake, I did scan the list of nominees and winners.
I don't know that I even had ever heard a single one of those songs, any one of the nominees or winners. At first glance of the list, not a single title seemed familiar to me.
(smile) Because?
I don't listen to the radio anymore. And I don't scan Spotify.
How do you hear of new music?
Through YouTube... I used to listen to the radio a lot some years ago.
Like when?
Oh, maybe as recently as 2018... would listen to the radio for both music and talk/news.
You kind of stopped because?
Content, radio content just so descended in quality. So today, I get music and info online.
(playful) Would you say you're old-fashioned?
No, not at all. I just have discerning taste. Most of what's in pop music today is pretty much garbage, so you know, better to take in content of better quality. Same with movies.
How was your day, Sunday?
Work-oriented. There was some news research I had to do to be timely. INTERESTINGLY --This Richard Wolff video is one of the things I listened to from start to finish... -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJMOKeZcJ24 -- I stumbled upon it by accident, but it's very timely and compelling. One thing to note, though, is it seems like he's a socialist. That he subscribes to a socialist political philosophy. Which is surprising because he's so intelligent and worldly. And socialism is a clearly whack and impractical political philosophy. But hey, whatever. Otherwise, he seems quite brilliant, learned, and insightful. Very eye-opening to listen to what he says here.
Do you feel like your eyes have been (as the phrase goes) TOO OPENED sometimes?
LOL, very often. And that too opened is a good phrase because what does it mean? I mean the ratio of the knowledge and insights you have to what you think you can do usefully with that knowledge is imbalanced. It's very difficult to have the level of worldly knowledge. [ ] Because you wish you could do more -USEFULLY- with it, but the world around us is very messed up, and thus the world at large is resistant to its flaws and sins being dissovled. It wants to repel correcting responses, wants to repel exposes, and wants to repel the truth. Most people are very uninformed, and most institutions are very deaf to eye-opening info. I did have a funny thought today, though. TAKE THE FAIRY TALE of Snow White. And rewrite it as a satirical update. The cabin of the 7 dwarfs is instead a townhouse used for secretive meetings and conferences held by--- the 7 most corrupt guys on Wall Street.
LOL, and she becomes friends with them and stays there while her amnesia wears off.
Yeahhh (smile), that could be an interesting story.
WHA ?????
Other surprising winners at the Grammys included
= = = =
Dr. Phil for Best New Rap Album, titled - Rock, Paper, Razor Blades
Ariana Grande for her hit single - So I'm A Clone, The Voice is Still Great
Judy Garland (posthoumasly) for her AI-created hit beatbox single - Winkin Drinkin and Nod
Snoop Dogg for best religious music album - Decided to Sing a Different Tune in Court
Garth Brooks for his heavy metal rock single - And Why is THE VIEW Still on The Air?
Greta Thunberg for her hiphop album - Hey Mofos I'm Over Here
Kamala Harris for her emo-electro single - The Days of Whine and Rosé
Jamie Foxx for his Opera Album - With Inflation Threepenny Ain't Nuttin
JD Vance and Emrata for their duo performance on the romantic ballad - You think I Said That? Think Again
Blackrock CEO Larry Fink for his remake of - Jingle Bell Rock
Miley Cyrus for her hit single titled - I Could Even Do A Song About Knitting And Make It A Hit
And Ben Affleck for his ballad - Making Bad Decisions
Hi -- (kisss) --- I came across this video by random happenstance. Wasn't looking for it. Just saw a thumbnail on YouTube and checked it out. Wow... this is POWERFULLY informative. And I don't even know the person's name. It's not given. But this is really a MUST HEAR commentary. All the way through... Very, very, very important to hear. Not just because of what it reveals about the USA and its current trajectory, but also quite significantly about the psychopathic GLOBAL CONTROLERS and how they view any and all nations of the world. There's no small talk in this commentary. It's very concentrated and concise. He just tells it straight out.
Please. Listen to this as soon as you can. All at one sitting. So take 36 minutes out of your day or evening at the first chance and hear this all the way through. Very eye-opening.
= = = =
OCGFC - https://x.com/GeoffYoung4KY/status/1723018636892221722?lang=en
Financialization -- is the process by which financial markets and institutions gain more influence over the economy. It's characterized by the growth of the financial sector relative to other sectors of the economy.
= = = =
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY YOU KNOW WHAT, which I shouldn't specfically say (smile/hug/kisssssss) LLY
Adrian was called into the Dean's office at Julliard Academy ==to talk about his grades.
The Dean said...
D= Adrian, I'm concerned about your work in one subject. All your other subjects are great. Top grades. Excellent. At the same time, this one subject you are weak in is a MUST SUBJECT for you, since your stated career aim is to be a music critic.
A= I understand.
D= And of course the subject is CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION. You're doing very poorly there. What seems to be the problem?
A: I'm going to be honest. I just can't 'get with it' emotionally. It doesn't speak to me. In general, it's too low-key and moody. I like more HOT BEAT types of music.
D= Hmmmm, I have a suggestion. Go talk with Professor Edwards in the psychology department. He seems to have a cure for something like this. We have encountered it before. He volunteered to tutor the student a bit, and voilà, in their next semester, they LOVED the subject. I dunno what his magical cure was, but go talk with him; see if it helps.
A= Okay, I will.
= = = =
PE= Glad you stopped by. I do believe I can help. The Dean is correct. I was able to help another student with the same problem.
A: What's the therapy?
PE= Watching a specific movie. It did the trick for that other student; maybe it can help you as well.
A= I'm totally willing to find out. What's the movie?
PE= I'll email it to you. You just need to watch from the marked point-- to the end. If the movie is going to help, all you need is that content... And you may develop a new feeling toward classical music.
A: Okay, much thanks. I'll give it a try.
begin at 19:13 -- https://tubepornclassic.com/videos/1080091/mya-diamond-blue-angel-and-tanya-tate-in-fabulous-adult-clip-v
Hi (kisssss)... Sooooo I'm in a reasonably good mood this evening. The weather was a good bit milder today. Sunny. No wind chill. In the mid-30s. A welcome relief from last week. I actually spent some time just walking around in the fresh air to get the sun's rays and-- the fresh air (smile). Had certain work to do, which I got all of done. Errands to do, got all of them done. So...you know, small victories in one's TO DO LIST (chuckle)... Okay, now for a wide-angle view retrospective of the past several months to a year. Very emotionally taxing in news work... you know, the pre-election political craziness. And let me tell you, I am so jaded on political rhetoric I'd like to take a 6-month vacation from hearing a single further word of it (but I ca