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Hellery Spotlight - The former wanna-be POTUS *** IS *** afflicted with bad health malady - FRI video

By from net, Posted in Celebrities (all sorts)

Not to gloat or celebrate about it but just to confirm ONCE MORE, HRC is inflicted with some kind of bad health malady... COUGHING FIT FRIDAY

begin at 17:50 -- https://youtu.be/De8N_wwzx3U

Tucker Carlson on HRC's Wellesley Speech - "She's deranged"

begin at 8:00 - https://youtu.be/hAQZ4LzYm_A


In a new interview by New York Magazine, Killery K. Klinton moved past "gracious Hillary" and "relaxed in the woods Hillary" to become "angry ranting Hillary"... again.

"I would have won had I not been subjected to unprecedented attacks by [former FBI Director James] Comey, and the [email leaks], along with the suppression of the vote, particularly in Wisconsin," she complains.

[In other words she might have won if nobody was paying attention to her character]

Clinton is also eager to blame her defeat on alleged sexism. "Once I moved from serving someone - a man, the president - to seeking that job on my own, I was once again vulnerable to a barrage of ...negativity." she said.

[What she left out was that alllll the negativity was sooooooo soooo so --well earned. Eh?]

[Well let's just be thankful for small favors. This time Hillary's Comments were not simply all about her, she spent a good thirty seconds on other topics. Like Comey and her bad luck. Oh wait, hmmm, that's really still all about her.]

[Hillary outta become the star of a new game show wherein she goes one on one with the visiting contestants. The show could be called ' CAN YA GET A WORD IN EDGEWISE?']