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Did "3,000" ppl die from 9/11/01 attacks? Actually no, the total was- 453

By from v, Posted in Conscience & Courage


Editor's note - This is an interesting speculative topic. We have explored it with research and the best information we have come up with its that TOTAL number of casualties in Washington and NYC that day was 453, according to official (death0) records. --the other 2500 names, are fictional identities. WHY was the propaganda number THREE THOUSAND picked? To sound 500 bigger than the casualty toll at Pearl Harbor, and to seem so dramatic WORLD SHAKING wars seemed "justified".

RELATED - Recording of WOR RADIO NYC from 9/11/01 reveals that people who handle JET FUEL knew JET FUEL FIRES would not bring down the WTC towers. If a plane hit the WTC almost all the fuel would burn up during explosion upon impact. LISTEN (begin a at 14:00)

THIS RADIO AT 9:05am that day in NYC


In other words the caller indicates WTC TOWERS would not fall from jet fuel fires.

ALSO form WOR radio aht day

begin at 32:45 - https://youtu.be/PiBaQX1HScsReporter - NO PARTS Of A PLANE VISIBLE AT CRASH SITE right after supposed crash

(Note - the PLANES were actually holograms with sound, not real planes)