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HUMPTY DUMPTY REASSEMBLES HIMSELF........ gets back on the wall

By from DTRI, Posted in Humor

HUMPTY DUMPTY REASSEMBLES HIMSELF, gets back on wall. Jonah makes deal with the whale; gets permissions for time outside the tummy. Pinocchio experiments with nose reduction steroid blockers, to enable continued lying. Rapunzel gets 100 foot long fake hair extension so she can sport shorter "do" at nightclubs. Grandma and Wolf reach non-hostility pack. Riding Hood predicts it won't last.

What do all these statements have in common?.......... An unbelievable cartoonish preposterousness. If you saw any one of them as a "headline" you would chuckle and know its a joke. ......Unfortunately for the American public, most of what's really going on with world events which concern us today, is so outlandish, when you hear a true statement it sounds like HUMPTY DUMPTY REASSEMBLES SELF. It sounds literally absurd. But there's a very significant reason you must understand --why this is so.

(For condensed version of next video begin at 19:00) -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk2QlvUmkX8

The NWO Shadow Government Cabal (aka the Rothschild Banking Cartel) which controls ALL THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD (thru banking) except 3..... the NWO is engaging in an intentional destruction of all advanced nations, in order to melt down and remodel the world (Borg style) into a slavish hive-mass ruled by a one-world-government.





Their attitude is, you can't remake the world under a new concept without first decomposing the infrastructure of what was. So they are destroying all advanced countries of the globe stage by stage right now. And that's why none of the REAL NEWS about your world makes any sense at all or seems plausible to a rational mind.

On Friday we here at DTRI put up a story explaining that the JADE HELM project is absolutely a cover guise for a plot to overthrow the US constitutional government and impose martial law under an executive branch tyranny.




The first social media comment we got after posting this - was "You're an utter nutter". People thought we'd gone off the deep end and become lunatics. Because the story truth sounds so beyond comprehension, beyond plausibility, and absurdly whacked.. to even articulate the words.

But guess what..... Its a fact..... And that's our point of this narrative in progress. You have to flip your mind around to understand real news today. Go thru the looking glass. Take the red pill to see the Matrix. The world is getting turned upside down. Real news is going to sound so logically inverted its going to be hard to even hear at first. Very difficult.

But we counsel that you should listen and take wild (actual) NEWS seriously because what we report, is really happening. We have no political agenda. Only a dedication to tell you the raw real truth.

And note dear friends--- all these following past headlines also sound absurd at first hearing but are in fact 100% accurate.


ISIS was created and is being run by the CIA
The president of the United States has a shemale for a wife
The massive NSA spying on you has nothing to do with terrorism
---and was begun well before 9/11
High salaries for sports players is a plot to make you resent them
There is no real war on terror, its an evil hoax
No kids were shot at Sandy Hook, it was a hoax
No real bombs went off at Boston Marathon, it was psy-op hoax with smoke bombs.
There was no Mike Brown shot at Ferguson, it was as a haox.
There was no Bronx train derailment, it was staged
GW Bush and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
---have all been controlled by the same handlers behind the scenes
The Federal Reserve bank is not part of the
---Federal Government and is poisoning the economy daily
Bill and Hillary Clinton used to help the CIA run drugs into the USA
Jeb Bush is married to the daughter of a Colombian Drug Lord
Anderson Cooper and Barbara Starr at CNN are CIA agents
Mike Bloomberg and Andrew Cuomo helped stage the Sandy Hook Hoax
NYPD celebrity commissioner Bill Bratton was part of the 9/11 plot
LIVE with Kelly and Michael is part of NWO propaganda
The US government sent out the Anthrax Letters in 2001
Its impossible for ISIS to hit the US with dirty bombs,
---satellites would detect the bombs well before as they are moved
The ELLEN show is part of NWO propaganda
Gay marriage is not for freedom, its part of an NWO agenda
The Rockefeller Family is involved in all domestic Terror Attacks
There was no Jewish Holocaust during World War 2, it is fiction
JFK was not shot in Dealey Plaza, it was a staged psy-op
Lee Harvey Oswald was not killed by Jack Ruby. It was a staged psy op
The Bush Family helped finance Hitler
No American Astronauts ever walked on the Moon


All of these things sound incomprehensible and abjectly crazy, but all are facts.

AND KEEP IN MIND, every snake has two fangs. Many news events have TWO truths about them which are simultaneous and concurrent, but at first appear to be contradictory.

Like JADE HELM.... It has a built-in option to stage false flag terror and go to martial law. But they could hold off on that and let it run as a drill.





