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ITS TIME TO literally LAUGH at the NWO staged nonsense

By from DTRI, Posted in Humor

The supposed "suspected perpetrator" of the hoax Sydney Cafe siege is reported to be ---- An IRANIAN 'LONE WOLF NUT'....LOL....oh yeah!....let's eagerly look forward to other details which are likely to surface, such as

He had died his hair orange

He had Aspergers Syndrome

Was a nephew of Lee Harvey Oswald

Once campaigned for Ron Paul and Ralph Nader


Listened to Alex Jones

Although Iranian believed in the US constitution and Bill of Rights

Had been a follower of Osama Bin Laden on Twitter till 2011

Was jealous of Dick Cheney's quail hunting skills

Had been a classmate of Adam Kokesh

Tended to spend weekends smoking crack and watching reruns of BREAKING BAD

Was constantly being rejected by women and couldn't get laid

Had a recent model Black Mercedes

Was related to an assistant director of one of the Transformers movies

Did not believe in Climate Change

Once wrote a nasty letter to John McCain

Celebrated for two weeks nonstop when CNN fired Piers Morgan

Used to say Newtown's GENE ROSEN was "the only jew I ever liked"

Ordered his SWAT gear wardrobe, online, legally

Didn't believe in militarization of police and staged the cafe siege to prove it ineffective

Loathed apple pie, motherhood, and Pat Boone

Believed the Illuminati had Killed Michael Jackson

Swore that he saw REAL TEARS on Robby Parker's face

Felt the TV show WEST WING was overly sentimental

Had a T shirt with Mohammed Atta's picture on it

Was an avid reader of LONE WOLF NUT magazine

Had written congress urging an investigation into the crash of Michael Hastings car

Once texted Uger at TYT calling him a bloated self-important opinionated know-nothing fop

Thought Nixon was innocent and the Washington Post had framed him

Considered Michelle Obama to be a shemale

Was adamant in believing Barack Obama was born in Kenya

Used to shout at the screen anytime Donald Trump came on TV - "Cut your hair!"

Believed Dunkin Donuts to be a CIA front company

Was a 3rd cousin of Nancy Lanza

Suspected Dick Morris is secretly in love with Hillary Clinton

Considered Chris Christie guilty of Bridgegate

Believed women who bind their feet to keep them small have the right idea

Had been depressed ever since USA Network cancelled UP ALL NIGHT with Gilbert Gotfried

Could not understand why David Lee Roth failed as Howard Stern's radio replacement

Had an addiction to SNICKERS candy bars and would go into a 4 day rage after eating one

Only had one song on his ipod -- SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL

Once ran a mail order business shipping backpacks to Jihadist teen boys who lived near Boston

Disagreed with that common belief that Rock Hudson had been gay, said he was actually rather dour

Was email buddies with Cliven Bundy

Had assisted with the SONY Hack

Worked part time in London as a video editor for ISIS

Lost emotional control every time someone would mention the phrase CLEANING WOMAN

Was producing a hate film to be called INNOCENCE OF VETERANS WITH GUNS which he hoped would cause global riots at various embassies

Was a contract printer for a company which disseminated truther materials about Chemtrails

Felt White House correspondent Ed Henry is... "pushy"

Insisted Valentines Day was originally on February 13th

Used to go onto long delusional fantasies believing he was former TV hero CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT --and in such states would drink a lot of Ovaltine

Once sent a postcard to Kim Kardashian saying WHY DON'T YOU SMILE, PARIS HILTON SMILES!

Kept in a storage warehouse a 1957 green Edsel which he called POLLY, and had long talks with late into the evenings


Considered Mitch McConnell a very dashing man

Believed Barack Obama had ordered a border stand-down in Texas to let a mass of illegals stream in- so as to tilt political voting patterns

Used to have hard boiled eggs for breakfast, without cracking the shell first

After GW Bush guested with Oprah, sent her a note saying HE'S A LIAR

Disagreed with COLUMBUS and firmly believed the world to be FLAT

Had sent over 1,00 handwritten letters to Baskin Robbins saying ISN'T IT TIME TO GO TO 32 FLAVORS?

While an exchange student in high school had lived in Dallas and worked weekends at the Texas School Book Depository, on the 6th floor. And used to carry curtain rods in a bag to work each weekend.

When Lou Dobbs left CNN he called CNN management on the phone and screamed for 20 minutes - YOU'LL REGRET IT

Had a speech impediment and could not pronounce the word TOFFEE

Desired to have a sex change operation and marry David Petraeus

Was zealous in saying the USA's "NASA spaceflight moonwalks" were a hoax because no human could pass thru the Van Allen radiation belt... to get to the moon

One wrote the phrase LAS VEGAS WALMART in the sand at the beach for 6 miles in row

Lived in an apartment which was totally wall-papered in posters saying 'ABOLISH THE US FEDERAL RESERVE, you foolish Americans, its not even part of the federal government for crying out loud'

He considered Dana Carvey the only truthful American Politician

Every year would send a birthday card to Mariah Carey saying -- "You're not gaining weight, you're fine!"

Would get into vicious fights with people over who was a better guitar player, Jimi Hendricks, or Les Paul?

For one entire year lived on on Lipton Cup 'O Soup, Wonder Bread, and Mike and Ike candy

Felt the TV show Seinfeld was actually in fact, a show...about SOMETHING - and that 'something' was "telling jokes while wasting time" - a propaganda preparation for the USA socialist welfare state to come

Used to like to watch the BBC's Graham Norton show while viewing the TV, upside down.

Regularly said if Russel Brand would grow a beard, HE WOULD LOOK AFGHANI

For one full summer in Tehran he drove an ice cream truck for a company called BAD HUMOR - VERY VERY VERY BAD HUMOR

Regularly told people the 4-year-old, ongoing, nuclear radiation leak at Fukushima Japan is... NO BIG DEAL

Loved the films ISHTAR and WATERWORLD

Used to gossip about Angelina Jolie and call her a "Minimally talented spoiled brat"

Constantly said the one film he wished he could forget was.... MEMENTO