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**THE TRANSITION TEAM is not imploding, but its is- ADVICE TAINTED**

By from DTRI, Posted in Politics / National

We have been supporting the Trump Team effort for many months. Soon we will tell you exactly who WE are. But for the moment let's jump right in to topic. "Transition Team" work. STAFFING the administration.

Its fabulous that Team Trump/Pence won. We thank them for their work and commitment. But, as is glaringly conspicuous, the next struggle is immediately at hand. The challenge to pick great staff. Not at all going to be easy ...because Trump and Trump family come from outside the realm, and Mr Pence comes from the GOP establishment, pretty much.

So now what? We want to help. And wisely we are going to be blunt and terse here.

The Trump Transition Team is currently on the wrong track. Completely.... First thing folks need to grasp is, just because the Democrats are so horribly wrong, does not automatically mean the Republicans are reflexively correct, sober, wise and clear-headed. BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES are decimated. HAVE been fully ruined by NWO infiltration in recent decades. The DEMS believe in socialism, open borders, blah blah blah their whole mess. But the GOP still thinks ISIS is organic and foreign (but in fact ISIS is fabricated and run by CIA/Mossad/Mi6 as a controlled enemy). And GOPers still think 19 feckless nobodys turned our world upside down on 9/11/01 (as if that were actually even physically or circumstantially possible! ...To believe the "official" 9/11 story is the HEIGHT, the ZENITH... of mental naivete). The GOP also still thinks taxation changes and trade deal sanity are the only needed big keys to economic restoration. Not actually. Not at all. YOU CANNOT RESTORE fundamental economic health in the nation after all this implosion, without FULL ON ADDRESSING the absolute satanic scam that is..THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK (FedRes is a private bank, not a part of the government). One of DJT's advisors the other day prattled- STOP ranting about the FedRes and let's talk about immediate issues on the table for economic fix. WRONG wrong wrong. You can't overhaul our failing economy -leaving the Fed alone as it is. You can't give that bucket of corruption a pass. Maybe you sequence your layers of work but DO NOT tell the public to turn down their demand for confronting the FedRes problem. Tell the nation instead YOU WILL be taking that mess on. Promise it.




Back to main topic- now here comes TT's (Team Trump's) first mental hurdle. You must understand, TT is GETTING very bad advice. Because TT has many wrong advisors. That's where the transition problem first shows itself. The advisors level. TT has a LOT of wrong people advising them. Flynn, Woolsey, Giuliani? get serious. Sessions is good, Huckabee too. But --Many of the advisors are bad. Mike Pence is siphoning out lobbyists (or so it is claimed)? Great if true, [and note Rudy & Flynn are defacto lobbyists for M-I Complex & Police State] but overall TT has a disquieting, bizarre and vast- roster of fat cat Zionist insider 'advisors' (You can't take our country back unless you first take it back from the Rothschild/Rockefeller CFR/Bilderberg Cartel, and their capo control via Howard Jonas and AIPAC).... Why are the majority of DJT 'advisors' energy sector ppl, weapons sector ppl, spy state program vendors, banksters (note we say BANKSTERS not bankers). And you have Zionists way over-represented on that advisor roundtable, by about 50 times up above what their actual population fraction is in society. Not meaning to be too cartoonish in humor here but you would get more grounded advice from Ward Cleaver and Jed Clampett than these fat cat Zionists mega money types... because they are living in a bubble and are from the bubble of UPPER ESTABLISHMENT, they ARE the establishment. Drain the swamp at the ADVISOR table first. Send those mega money, fat cat Zionist establishment big shots back up to the bleachers. Turn their volume down. Industrialists, banksters, Woolsey and CIA types. Remember.... those ppl are connected to the same stream as people like Condi Rice, Richard Haas, George Tenet, Rumsfeld, Bernanke, Greenspan, Rubin, Summers, Blankfein, Kagan, Nuland, Mueller, GET EM OUTTA HERE. And at long last realize the CFR and the UN and all these think tanks (both DEM and GOP) are not do-gooder agencies seeking to help solve the world's problems, they are covertly LEVERS OF SUBTERFUGE AND INSIDIOUS FORCES OF DESTRUCTION on behalf of the NWO*Cartel. GLOBALISM's advocacy comes from the halls of these entities.

EVEN AS DJT/Pence promise action to thwart the Globalists, btw, the Globalists still are busy at work trying to stick their fingers deeper into the American Pie, every day.


We urge that TT push the fat cats back and bring to your TT table WISE advisors for staffing of the Exec Branch. Chaffetz, Gowdy, Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Issa, Paul Craig Roberts. James Kallstrom, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Herman Cain, David Stockman, Larry Elder, Michael Savage, Dane Wiggington, Jim Fetzer, Prof Stephen Cohen, Jim Rickards, Catherine Fitts, Judge Napolitano, Lou Dobbs, Judge Pirro, Ben Carson, Deborah Tavares.... And also have ppl like Monckton and Farage, Icke, Pieczenik, Corsi, Levin, Lofgren, and Molyneux consult for you. WISE, hear that, WISE people, wise patriots and well wishers for the public good...versus smooth talking posers with billion dollar hedge fund folios and billion dollar special interest clients on their consulting resume. ... WISE people in terms of the PUBLIC interest NOW, not the private big money interests, banker and war machine/police state interests. AND in the meantime FORGET about Rudy, Newt, Flynn, Bolton, Grenell, Woolsey, Mnuchin, Glassner. Give each of them a very nice and due THANK YOU GIFT, and part ways at this time. Time to move on from the old and posed, to the more awake, more real, and more wise.

Think about who are the really really REALLY good, "awake" and necessary voices for the health of the nation today -AND WHO ARE ALSO Scholarly TRUTHERS at the same time; people with a revised and awake view of history and world affairs.

Sessions, Huckabee, David Clark, Joe Arpaio. YOU DO HAVE LINES to really good ppl. And truthers, But you need to push FAT CAT types back and bring up closer to your ear the non selfish, learned WISE ... Time to move on from from old doctrinaire world to the more awake and more wise. Think about it, Grenell was PART of the culture that rubber stamped the NWO's evil Agenda 21. Is making him ambassador to the UN draining the swamp? And has Rudy or Newt or Flynn or Woolsey or Glassner or Bolton EVER come out and said who REALLY staged 9/11?... (And we don't mean the distracting 28 pages stuff. We mean the people REALLY TRULY ultimately behind that day of terror). It ain't the Saudis, they were just low level help. Millions of Americans KNOW who the REAL KEY plotters were. DO YOU?

And be mindful, DRAINING THE SWAMP means especially pushing GOLDMAN SACHS away. As Alex Jones notes that IS the front face of the NWO in America. And Rudy, Woolsey, Bolton, Flynn and CIA/Police State types? They were in on the lies of the 9/11 false flag, and are still selling the fake cover story. Such ppl cannot be rewarded with jobs in the new regime. Anyone still selling the fake cover story of 9/11 and pretending all these fake 'nutty gun-shooter' and 'jihad' staged psyops are 'real'...GET EM OUTTA HERE.