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AN HISTORICAL LOOK at how USA civil war tendsions the 1800's...

By from net, Posted in Politics / National

... Have not only never been resolved, but have grown steadily over time into a much bigger nightmare, on steroids!

My eye was caught by one of these sidebar YouTube thumbnail suggestions. A film about LBJ, starring Woody Harrelson. Well, Woody is a very smart guy and never takes on roles in lousy scripts. So I decide to sample a few scenes, and I begin watching at the point where LBJ goes against JFK at the 1960 DEM convention, where they duke it out for the party's nomination to be POTUS. Well, the film quickly becomes very very interesting as an historical spotlight on LBJ and his political significance in the nation's history. So I keep watching... and I have to give the film high praise. It's extremely well done and engrossing. Fascinating. I've never before seen a film give so much detailed insight into LBJ as a VP and his relationship with the Kennedys. Who were clearly arrogant and misguidedly patronizing toward him. He was a very seasoned politician and powerful man in DC, and they should have taken a much different approach to dealing with him as VP. Even though he was a wheeling and dealing politician with a considerable amount of ole-style corruption under the surface, he was simultaneously-- practical and politically insightful, and understood the south at the time. For JFK and RFK to sideline him and treat him with contempt was a major political miscalculation. ..The film is fascinating. A true American history lesson.




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Some days after posting this item, we return to the page to add comments. We wonder: Did you "get it"? Was that what we were trying to tell you to discern? Hopefully yes, but let us, at this subsequent time, sort it out. There is a wealth of historical insight in this LBJ movie. We know a good deal about LBJ, the political entity, the man. His actions. His values serve society. His sins, his evils. And yet, we still gained a lot of valuable insight into American history by viewing this film. Let us try to etch that perspective enhancement right here.

Yes, LBJ was a corrupt politician. Yes, he did some very sinful things. But just as Ana Kasparin notes, Hitler loved dogs and drank water. That doesn't suggest we should never drink water or love dogs. So our point here being, LBJ was a complex item. And as a politician, he did have a definitive political philosophy and applied that philosophy to almost all issues. It was to advance the quality of the society, but carefully and not in a reckless hasty fashion. Sadly, he betrayed this philosophy when, out of paranoid fear of RFK eclipsing him politically, he pushed through a very poorly thought out civil rights bill in 1964. Nevertheless, let's spin back to his days of dealing with JFK and RFK in the WH. During those days, he was not the bad guy in the arguments. THEY WERE. They were naive about how the world really works. Naive about timetables for change. And naive about political negotiating. Their overly theoretical bent certainly came from their elite ivy League University indoctrinations. And it was a dangerous and subverting influence over the possibility of harmonizing urban and non-urban realms in the political area.

We sent the film to you to help you see that this clashing LBJ had with the Kennedys was a continuation of the schisms which led to the Civil War.... It was that long-standing and deep-rooted.

And then fast-forward to look at things now. The effete bubble of theoretical intellectuals, which has overtaken DEM politics and all its sycophantic media, is the deleterious weed growth of urbane intellectualism. And now we have a weed-infested, poison-weed-infested garden. This poisoned garden is facing off against a weak-willed and manipulable GOP..... Such is the chaotic nature of current politics. But what the LBJ movie shows is that naivete, excess theorizing, haste and presumptuousness ...have been the downfall of the overly theoretical political left. And may just be the downfall of the nation... If the current madness of the left is not dissolved.

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