MIKE ADAMS update commentary -- Extremely provocative. Much of it speculative though.
comments and news from net, Posted in Politics / World
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THE FOLLOWING IS FROM EPOCH TIMES, edited for length and clarity.
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Patrick Byrne, founder and former CEO of Overstock, told Jenny Chang, the host of NTD Television's "Focus Talk" program, that what is happening now in the United States is an attempted "Communist Party takeover."
"That's what the left is trying to do here. They have a bill that they're ready to pass as soon as they get in IF THEY GET IN, which basically imposes a Chinese-style censorship state," Byrne said during an interview on Monday.
Byrne is concerned that in the future, even questioning the salient and obvious RIGGING of the 2020 election will count as "an act of domestic extremism."
"What they're going to try to do is take the FBI and Department of Homeland Security and CIA, and just completely unleash them as instruments of oppression against their domestic political opponents, all under the disguise of 'We're fighting domestic extremism ... you saw Congress get overrun,'" Byrne warned.
Twitter permanently suspended President Donald Trump's account on Jan. 8. Meanwhile, Google and Apple have removed Parler, a social media app similar to Twitter, from their respective app stores. They accused Parler of allowing "dangerous" content be posted on its platform. Amazon followed and removed Parler from its hosting service.
"This is a 'color revolution'. And it was deployed really to the T." Byrne said.
Byrne went on to explain that the unfolding 'color revolution' has been implemented through four stages: demoralization through the COVID-PSYOP, disorientation through Antifa's burning of buildings and the like, with no state response; the crisis of the RIGGED presidential election; and the RADICAL CONTROL phase, which is now the media and big techs wiping out any opposing points of view.
"It's quite Orwellian," Byrne continued. He emphasized that he did not vote for Trump but was "absolutely appalled" by the reports of election rigging.
"I think that the Achilles heel of liberalism is corruption of the institutions," Byrne continued. He suggested that the CCP (China Communist Party) long ago realized this and has been doing influence peddling in the United States for 20 or 25 years. He said the CCP also has had a hand in interfering in the November elections.
The National Association of Manufacturers, an influential business lobbying group, had cheered and welcomed the pro-manufacturing Trump presidency. At its annual meeting in September of 2017, the group's president, Jay Timmons, introduced Trump as "a true champion for our industry, who has fought for manufacturing since Day 1 of his presidency." Indeed, Trump has done much to save and restore American manufacturing (tax cuts, protective trade measures, renegotiating of trade deals, deregulation, exiting the Paris Climate Scam etc).
But now, in the aftermath of [ATIFA FALSE FLAG PSYOP] "the storming of the Capitol," Timid Timmons and others have pissed their flowered panties. NAM (like everyone else) has just issued a statement calling for Trump's removal from office via the 25th Amendment of the Constitution (for mental incapacity!).
An excerpt from the seditious statement from the spinless ingrates:
"This is chaos. It is mob rule. It is dangerous. This is sedition and should be treated as such. The outgoing president incited violence in an attempt to retain power."
OF COURSE ANYONE WELL INFORMED knows BY NOW it was not A TRUMP SUPPORTERS MOB -but rather a bused-in array of ANTIFA THUGS enacting a false flag to vilify the Trump base and Trump himself.