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Deranged DEM politcal party throws in with NWO-created RACE WAR as psychotic and desperate attempt to un-elect Trump. Damage to the nation? Who cares!

By from net, Posted in Politics / National

Author David Horowitz told Newsmax TV on Tuesday that the Democratic Party has exploited the [fake] 'death of a black man' and "ginned up a race war" in desperate hopes of getting Joe Biden elected.

"The Democratic Party has [psychotically] stirred up [the NWO created] *race war* of 2020-- as supposedly (and insanely) a political weapon against a Republican president. In desperate hopes to elect Biden, And yet Biden is a senile fool -- as anybody can see - just an empty suit." Horowitz said on NEWSMAX TV - "Greg Kelly Reports."

Horowitz said evidence of the Democratic strategy can be seen in the requirements imposed for the Covid [psyop], including social distancing, which have been ignored for the protests and riots.

"The Democrats aren't interested in [public health]" Horowitz said. "Their support for social distancing [and lockdown] was their means of shutting down the economy, so they could create 40 million unemployed and blame it on Trump. And their position now of ignoring the social distancing problem [with the protests] is because they are suddenly on the side of the thugs."--- [Its now literally any psychotic or satanic ammunition they can devise to politically aim at Trump. Health and safety of the nation be dammed]...

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NEWS -- NYC's strict 8pm curfew last nite kept Manhattan from being inflicted with another "war zone" nite. AND hundreds of curfew violators found themselves corralled on the Manhattan bridge after police refused to let them leave from either side. A sea of people filled the bridge connecting Brooklyn to Manhattan on Tuesday evening, long after the 8pm curfew. Manhattan has been subjected to widespread looting and grossly violent rioters, prompting a massive police presence. NYPD officers blocked hundreds of lawbreakers on the Bridge from entering Manhattan via Brooklyn. The standoff continued for more than an hour.

LOS ANGELES -- Los Angeles County was, yet again, under a sweeping overnight curfew, and the nation was on edge after seven nights of barbaric violence.

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DTRI Editor's comment --- We understand the frustration and anger of ppl in the streets. We ourselves were acutely shocked to hear the recent statistic that its now EIGHTY PERCENT of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck and cannot raise 500 bucks in an emergency. THAT STATISTIC ALONE tells you volumes about why they're is massive anger in the cities of America now. Its not only the psyop of an NWO-murder fakery that triggered masses into the streets. Its outrage over the world they have to live in everyday. A nation that used to be prized and which nation is now more a domestic oppressor than an opportunity enabler. At the same time, without knowledge and perspective, all this anger and frustration will simply be nation-destructive. PPL.... please Understand ...who the real cause of all this is, who the real enemy is. ITS A FOREIGN ENTITY based in London UK. Its the Rothschild Banking Cartel (aka the NWO). Over numerous decades, thru their ownership of the so-called 'Federal' Reserve Bank, ownership of the UN, the WHO, the CDC... control of the US Congress, and control of the WH, and their vast insidious political manipulations.. THEY have transformed the USA into a victim nation squeezed to near death by their greedy and merciless (installed) Corporatocracy. They have bled the nation dry. not only of money and employment, but of political buoyance and viability. Now literally almost every DC politician with any power secretly works for the Cartel and against the public's real interests. That's both parties, and includes ppl you wish were above suspicion. They also secretly control ALL brand name media, both digital and old skool. The Cartel has stuck its tentacles into the USA thru the side door and has wrenched out our guts and soul. Now they literally want to control us all like rabbits on leashes, with AI 5G monitoring and psyop-created "medical martial law". Folks yes there is much domestic injustice, but for the moment we must tell you, that's not the country's main danger or most compelling issue for survival. The true key challenge right now is educating everyone about the Cartel and is ongoing covid-psyop plan to turn the USA into an Orwellian 1984. WE KNOW WHO THE REAL ENEMY IS, the question is do you yet --and will you focus energies sanely --on defeating their psyop war? WE ARE IN WW3 and its them against us, with THEM using psyops as weaponry.