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DEVELOPING news -- China has lost contact with a nuke sub which apparently had NUKE accident

By from net, Posted in Nat'l-Defense / Military

Breaking Navy Intel - China has lost all contact with a Type 093 Nuclear Sub "several dead many RADIATION infected"

US/Allied Navy intel caught a distress signal from officers fighting off a mutiny onboard the sub. Several dead, many infected. Reports of gunshots amid officers desperately calling fleet command for rendezvous with PLAN surface ships. The ships immediately responding did not make it in time. It appears the officers scuttled the sub before the mutineers could commandeer it.

US/UK/Fr/Aus assets in the area are monitoring for radiation to North of the Spratly islands.

The last distress calls were "several dead, many infected".

No further comms originated from the sub. Based on PLAN command and rendezvous ship comms, they lost all contact with the sub.

Allied intel watching closely for any other signs pointing to breakdown in PLA command and control of strategic assets.